Chapter 02

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10:05 AM, Monday


The smell of the fresh cooked pancake mixing with the new brewed coffee hits into your nostril, waking you up by its delicious aromas. By the time you open your eyes, you almost forgot that you're not in your house now but in your bestfriend's home instead.

The peach-colored ceiling welcomes your eyes. Speaking of your eyes, it feels heavy and a little bit stingy. Well, not because of the sleep but because of your drama last night. Shit, you can't even open it very well. You feel like a cranky old lady.

"Tsk, cranky bones.." you groan at the cracking sound of it the moment you sit up from the bed. This is what you hate every morning when you wake up. You get all cranky.

Is there someone out there like this too? Why do I have to suffer? You sigh dramatically. You can't help not too wonder.

Heading straight to the bathroom, you took your time in a shower before heading down to the kitchen well dressed up in your grey sweater and black cargo pants.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Hoseok greets as soon as you stepped into his kitchen and when he saw your eyes he stopped from scrubbing the last pancake. You know he's surprised. "Did you slept well?" He asks even though he knows you didn't. He doesn't want to open up the topic of you crying last night.

You need a rest from stressful problems you have and he knows what you need right now is him to cheer you up.

"Hmm." You barely nodded and this made him bit back a laugh as he find your face adorable. There's something about you that you didn't notice. Everytime you wake up from sleep, your morning face would always be puffy and a little bit pink tinting your cheeks. Plus, your puffy eyes. One second he thought you walked in with your eyes close, but when noticed your few little blinks that's when he knows it's not close.

"Here, have some pancakes." He serves it together with a mug coffee and hot chocolate as an option in case you don't want a coffee. You take the chocolate one.

Eyeing you for a moment across the counter, "I'm going out in an hour." He blurted out and you looked at him over your eyelashes as you take a bite of your pancake.



Of course the guy has a work. Why would that idea didn't come to your mind? You're not students anymore. You're both adults working your asses in a work.

"Will you be alright here by yourself?" He added as he observe your expression to detect some uneasiness but you just carelessly shrug.

"Yeah. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Why? Would he stay at home with you if you say no and screw the work? You know he will dare to do that just for you but oh girl, you don't be a burden to him. You're still stressing about your own problem and  probably need someone on your side but you're not selfish. So, you just told him you'll be fine.

He can do that though because you're both the boss of your companies. But you don't want to become a bad influence to your bestfriend. You ran away from your family and left your responsibility at your parents' company that you're working at and that's enough. That's fine, if it's just you who screw your life just because you don't want to get married.

But not Hoseok, he's a one fine man who you are pretty sure has an excellent performance in handling business and his company's production and you don't want to stain his record with a mark of absence just because of you.

"Are you sure?" He asks again and you confirmed it with a firm nod but that seemed didn't convince him.

You groan lazily as you throw your head back dramatically, "oh come'on, I said I'll be fine. I'm not a baby, Seok." The sunshine across the counter only laughs at your words before he walks to your direction and ruffles your hair .

Blue SecretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora