1. little fox

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Haruto looked up at the glowing lights of the city. There had to be scraps around here somewhere that he could eat. It was bordering on two days since he had more than a bite of anything, having been hiding out in the forest where there was practically nothing to eat. He refused to kill any animals himself so he survived on berries that he prayed weren't actually poisonous. 

He had ran from his foster home two days ago with almost no plan, no clothes and certainly no money. Yeah, he was kicking himself in the ass for that. He just couldn't take everyone walking on eggshells around him or just flat out ignoring him. It happened in every foster home and he had no idea why. There were several holes missing in his memory but no one helped fill them. He didn't understand why everyone seemed to hate hate him the moment he stepped into their home. It was like they knew something they didn't

Haruto had even witnessed his social worker beg people to take him. 

"You have no idea, we have no where else to place him," the social worker begged the young couple.

"We just don't feel safe, especially since we have a baby at home. Please do understand," the man had responded.

"Please-" The couple had hung up on her.

Yeah, that was traumatizing in itself. Haruto really needed a new social worker.  

Back at the task at hand though, he decided his best course of action was to sneakily get the trash cans in the ally beside a nearby restaurant. There wasn't too much foot traffic but it wasn't everyday you just see a fox out in the open, so he had to be careful. People weren't all that friendly to wild animals.

As he was running down the sidewalk, he heard an excited scream, "Puppy!"

This piqued his curiosity so he looked over to the other side of the street. The little girl couldn't be older than 5 or 6 with white hair and a tiny horn on her forehead. She was accompanied by two older men that one would assume were her parents and a purple haired teen that was probably her brother.

"Honey, that's a fox, not a puppy," the blonde one said with a chuckle.

Haruto realized he'd been standing there for too long, so he sent a playful "yip" her way before continuing to his destination. He'd always had a soft spot for children. They never treated him differently unless they were told to. Haruto couldn't fault them for that.

"You're so cool, Haru! I wish mommy knew that too," the young girl was trying to cheer him up after his foster mother finally broke the eggshells and started blaming him for everything wrong in her life.

The trashcan was loaded with freshly thrown away food and Haruto gorged himself in the feast. He didn't know when the next time he'd be able to eat this much would come about, so may as well enjoy it while he could.

He looked around the table at everyone eating, where as his punishment of the night was no dinner. He had broken a plate and a younger foster sibling was a bit too close and almost got caught. They accused him of doing it on purpose.

"Hey you, get the fuck out. We don't fuckin' feed wild animals here," an older man came from the backdoor sneering at Haruto. He immediately bolted, not wanting any trouble. 

Now his problem was finding somewhere safe enough to sleep.


"Puppy!" Eri exclaimed excitedly.

"Honey, that's a fox, not a puppy," Hazashi chuckled lightly. 


'Though why is a fox just roaming the city?' Aizawa thought to himself. 'Maybe not an actual fox, but a quirk? The fox obviously had a pretty high intelligence level, especially since it did do the bark thing foxes do.'

"I thought foxes don't normally like people," Hitoshi said quizzically, voicing Aizawa's thoughts.

"Lets not think too hard about, lets go get some ice cream," Hazashi said earning a happy squel from Eri. 

"Like you ever think that hard," Aizawa responded playfully, making Hitoshi snort.

"Hey, thats so uncool," Hizashi pouted but it was obvious he was trying not to laugh. 

this was shorter than i wanted but i think its a good start

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this was shorter than i wanted but i think its a good start. if it wasn't clear, italics were a sort of flashback. thank you for reading :DD

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