Chapter Three

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Guten Mittag! Ich heisse Anya Klopper. Ich komme aus Südafrika. Wer bist du?

Oh my! Did you read that?! Two year's worth studying German has paid off!
...well I copied the sentences from my textbook, but that doesn't count.

Translated: Good evening! My name is Anya Klopper. I come from South Africa. Who are you?

-This chapter is not fully edited.


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Chapter Three

Scarlett Jackson's P.O.V.

I hesitantly follow Leah out of the bathroom and across the station to where I've arrived. The train is nowhere to be seen, but I see my two navy bags at Blondie's feet, just a couple of paces away from my new family. They all abruptly turn to look at us, well at me most of all, when Leah calls out.

I feel scrutinized by them and ashamed prior to my rash behavior, but I keep my face blank, as usual. Leah embraces her family members, muttering apologies due to being away for long. And I think all because of me.

Jeez. Now I am the one scrutinizing myself. I take note of their happiness and love towards each other. It's scary and foreign. Leah turns to me and sweep her hands across me and then her family members.

"Everyone, this is Scarlett. Scarlett, this is Carlisle, my husband, and Jack and Katie, my children. Jack's eight and Katie's fifteen." She introduces.

For a moment we just stare at each other. Then I am overwhelmed with hellos and hugs. I'm rooted to the spot.

Third person P.O.V.

Leah cannot wait to get Scarlett settled into new home, especially into her room. Leah thinks that with a cup of hot chocolate and a warm bath, Scarlett will finally be able to relax.

Carlisle is very surprised by Scarlett's aura. It is a very dark grey color, but he can just see random specks of a bright yellow shining through. The grey symbolizes unhappiness and deep sadness, but the slight yellow means hope. Carlisle smiles.

Being an elf, Carlisle was born with this talent. He wonders if Scarlett knows about the supernatural. There's something paranormal about her... but he can't quite put his finger on it.

His whole family knows about the supernatural. Leah's human, Katie's half-elf who's powers are yet to emerge and Jack is human. We will tell Scarlett eventually.

Kelly eyes Scarlett. She doesn't look like she gets out much. Scarlett can be very, very beautiful if she smiles more. But never mind that. Kelly will break through her shell. She always does. She just has a way with people.

Jack can't wait to play with his new sister. But he shall only play with her if he can be a dinosaur.

Scarlett Jackson's P.O.V.

I stand still as they take turns hugging me. My fingers twitch at my sides as I try not to bolt, wanting to make an effort to accept touching. Surprisingly, Carlisle sees that I'm uncomfortable and he tells his family to step back. I eye him curiously.

He doesn't seem harmful. In fact, he's very gentle. He catches my eye and smiles. I quickly look away, embarrassed at being caught.

I subtly exhale a breath and turn to Blondie. I silently retrieve my two bags and awkwardly stand aside, ready to leave. I think I'm going claustrophobic in this station.

"Call me if you need me, Scarlett." Blondie looks into my eyes as she speaks. I narrow my eyes when she hands me a white business card. It states Jenny Harding and what I assume is her number.

My temper flare and suddenly I am mumbling profanities in Greek at her under my breath, then my voice just raising a little.

"Right. As if I will call you. I think I'm going to burn this card along this memory of ever meeting you. Goodbye, and good riddance." I proudly say in Greek with a vigorous nod of my head.

Her eyebrows furrow, confused. I just turn around and start walking back to the laughing family.

I sheepishly smile at them with just a twitch of my lips at the corners.

"Are you ready to go home?" Leah asks as Carlisle tries to take my bags. I refuse though, just wanting to hold something familiar in my hands. I really, really want my cello now. My eyes fall to the floor when when I see Carlisle watching me.

We walk out of the station and into the snow-covered pavement. As we trudge through the snow, me clutching my bags tightly, Kelly walks next to me.

"Hay." She greets, her voice having no trace of sarcasm of menace.

I look at her beautiful red hair and then her blazing light blue eyes, taking my time examining her, and she lets me.

"Hi." I softly greet back after a while.
Kelly widely smiles, a curious twinkle in her eyes.
I frown slightly, fearing her thoughts. She secretly steps closer to me, glancing over her shoulder and then turning back to me.

"Your room is next to mine," She whispers, "and I think we are going to be the best of friends. We can have midnight sleepovers and talk about boys while eating marshmallows. It's going to be so much fun to have you as my sister!" She gushes, shouting in a whisper.

She sneaks her arm around mine. Instead of pulling back at the contact, I actually lean into it, feeling her soothing warmth.

I smile, this time it's just a little bit more than a twitch. Happiness bubbles in me for the first time in really long.

After the short walk we arrive at the parking lot, only two cars parked. I linger in the back as we make our way to the dark blue mini van with sliding doors. Everyone piles into the car, chatting excitedly, except me and Leah.

She turns to face me, a delicate smile dancing across her face.
"Scarlett, you're part of this family now. Let's go home, yeah?"

I sniff, my nose red from the cold. I nod a few times and get into the car at the third row at the back. Jack comes to sit next to me.

"I like yew. I can tell yer good at heart."
I blink. Then I blink again. Yew? Yer?

A laugh comes from Kelly in front of me.
"He learns that language from Kilian and Finn, the two Irish twin brothers. They've moved here two years back with their sister, Vivian, and their parents. We often visit them and Jack always plays with the brothers."

My eyes sparkle in humor.
"How old are they?" I ask, interested.
"Kilian and Fin are eighteen and Vivian is fourteen. We are besties, though, no matter the age. I usually steer clear of the twins, choosing instead to be with Vivian, but they're nice."

My interest spikes even more, but I don't know why. Kelly continues to talk, but in a whisper.
"I really like Fin. He's so handsome! But it's not just that. He brings out the best in me. I'm more outgoing and funny because of him. We've been going out for about a year."

My eyebrows rise.
"What do they look like?"

"Fin has long, light brown hair and hazel eyes, just a bit darker than yours. They're both tall. Kilian has long silvery hair with chocolate brown eyes. Fin has humor, though sometimes dark I must admit, while Kilian is a real softie. Fin is more rugged than Kilian, but Kilian in turn has more masculine beauty."

My heart flutters at the mention of Kilian. What's wrong with this stupid organ?! And what's up with these people and long hair? Carlisle does have nice, silky hair, but really! A random thought pops up in my head about elves with long hair. I just brush it off.

"That's good." I finally manage to say, shrugging my right shoulder and fiddling with my bracelets. My face falls, thinking about my hidden scars, but Kelly doesn't immediately pick up on it. I'm good at keeping my face emotionless, I've gotten a lot of practice at home.


This is my home now. I'll just keep under the radar, test the waters and see how it goes. But I should've tested the waters before I've opened the bathroom's stall doors. I'm glad though that I did. No running away from this so soon.

Let's do this.

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