Pirate Hunter Zoro

Start from the beginning

Yamato:That's Zoro? Guy looks weak if you ask me.

Luffy and Kai meant to reply, but at that moment, a little girl appeared to their right on a small ladder, scampered up it, and ran towards the man. He seemed to recognize her, and yelled something, but the smile on her face told them she was not afraid. She opened up a small cloth, revealing two rice balls, and offered them up. She intended to feed him, but as he argued, three new people appeared from behind the interior gate.

Two were simple marines, nothing individually interesting or significant. Just standard white garb with hats shading their eyes. The man who lead them however was another case entirely. He had bright blonde hair, cut in the ugliest bowl, with a flashy purple suit and sharp white dress shoes. His ensemble was complimented by his deep butt chin and smug face, full of amusement.

An argument ensued, with the blonde stealing a rice ball, stomping the other, and finally resulting in the little girl being grabbed and tossed over the wall. Luffy reached out and grabbed her midair, letting her fall safely on his chest. Yamato prepared to jump in right then, but Kai was quick to grab her held her back.

Yamato:What the hell Kai! I wanna kick his ass!

Kai: Oh trust me we will. Not yet though, gotta talk to that guy first.

Koby rushed over to check on the girl while Luffy and Kai made thier way back over and leaped into the open yard, Yamato in tow.

Zoro:Who the hell are you three supposed to be?

Yamato: Pirates! The Captains here are looking for a crew

She said, pointing to said Captains. Luffy and Kai waved Thier hand, to emphasize.

Zoro: Pirates huh? You do know who I am, right? If you mess with me, I'll kill you where you stand.

Luffy and Kai couldn't contain their excitement, or his laughter.

Kai: How are you gonna kill us when you're all tied up? How'd you get here anyways?"

Zoro: Does it matter? I have an agreement with that snot nosed blonde guy Helmeppo. I've been up here 9 days, and have 21 more to go. That chump promised to let me go after one month.

Kai:A whole month?! Luffy here couldn't last a day without food. Yamato and I can only last a few days.

Zoro:And that's why you're weak, unlike me. My will keeps me going.

Yamato: Blah blah blah, I'm so tough. We can let you down, just join our crew.

Zoro: You think I'd sink that low? No thanks! What makes you think I'd even join you if you let me down? And what the hell are you anyways lady?

Yamato:Kozuki Oden!

She replied proudly, pointing a thumb to her chest. She was promptly bonked by Kai on the head.

Kai:Don't lie to our future nakama Yamato.

Luffy:She's just a dumb monster, don't worry about her.

Kai then punch him for that. This led to a full-blown fist fights between all 3 lasting a good minute.

 This led to a full-blown fist fights between all 3 lasting a good minute

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