Chapter 2: Where did she go?

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"I heard that before" I nod toward the house as she smiles wide "Come on in with us"

"Ok" The girl takes a deep breath "I can do this! I am Rachel Barbara Berry! I am a Tony winner and oh god!"

"What?" I rush to her side "What is happening?"

"My water just broke!" I look down and sure enough it has "My friends baby is coming!"

"Kara get the girls!" She nods and rushes inside "You will be ok! Breathe with me ok? In and out slowly!"

"Rachel!" That was quick "I have car keys! I will get you! Where is Jesse?"

"We are getting a divorce!" She groans as she probably has a contraction "God this is painful! Why could this not be our kid! Fuck get this demon out of me!"

"Our kid?" I smack Quinn on the arm and she shakes her head "Let's get you inside of my car! We need to go!"

"I can not make it!" I look at the girls and Kelly groans "What are you groaning about?"

"Eliza, Alex, and I can deliver the baby while the ambulance comes" Rachel looks worried "You can trust us"

"They are good people" Rachel looks at Quinn who takes one of Rachel's hands "Trust me"

"Let's do it!" I help Quinn get Rachel up and we carry her inside "GOD GET THIS PAINFUL THING OUT OF ME!"

"I am sorry Rachel!" I can see Quinn trying not to yell in pain as Rachel holds her hand "Man you must be in so much pain!"


"Nice to know how they got you pregnant" I smirk as Quinn looks disgusted "Sorry we have no drugs"

"Fuck!" Rachel has a contraction again "They are too close!"

"What can get her to stop being in pain or focusing?" I look Quinn in the eyes still smirking "No way!"

"Just kiss the girl!" I grab her head and force her to kiss Rachel "There we go!"

"I am not going to ask" Alex comes over with the tools she needs "This is going to be not fun at all"

-Time skip-
"So they came from another earth?" I nod at Kurt's question "Now she has no powers and you all are stuck here?"

"Yeah" He looks at his husband and they seem to be disbelieving "What do we have to do to prove ourselves?"

"It's just New York has some looneys" Blaine looks at us "We want to believe but we also know...Oh"

"Marley has a twin?" I turn and see Kara standing next to Marley " we believe you all"

"How is the baby?" I turn and see Rachel has woken up "Oh we are in the hospital"

"You passed out from pain" Quinn gives her a smile "Kurt is holding him"

"Little Finn Emmanuel Anderson is healthy and perfect" Rachel smiles as Kurt walks over to her with the baby "Our friends from another universe have kept us company"

"Another universe?" We all nod and she just looks at Quinn "You doing drugs?"

"She crashed through my roof and Marley does not have a twin" Rachel looks at the duo who wave in stereo "See"

"You kissed me" Rachel turns toward Quinn "You kissed me on the lips"

"I was forced!" Rachel smirks and Quinn pouts "Stop it! I was forced down!"

"You put your tongue in my mouth first!" Rachel looks so happy about this "You wanted it!"

"Let's leave the couple to their bickering and Rachel some time with Finn" Kurt hands the baby over and we walk out "Please stay with them all"

"We need jobs" I sigh and kick at invisible dust "I just do not want to be a burden"

"You all are stuck here right?" I nod and Kurt seems to be in thought "If you are a scientist you could probably find a job while the medical girls go to school"

"Great" Alex groans "School again"

"I will have to as well" Kelly shrugs "I do not mind that fact though"

"We can help you all out" Blaine smiles "It will be nice and easy!"

"Thank you" I hold my hand out "It is nice to meet nice people for once"

"You helped our family out" Kurt shakes my hand with a smile "You are all family now"

Family...that sounds nice.

Super Gleeful {completed}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ