Damon Knoll

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After the argument Damon slept with his daughter in her room and Hannah slept alone in self pity. The next morning Hannah had woken to an empty house. Damon took Haylie to her aunts for the weekend leaving his wife to pack. He headed to the office afterwards and picked up Miller along the way. It was a silent ride due to the awkward aura emitted by Damon.

Arriving to the office he parked the car and headed inside with Miller behind. He somewhat loved the silence even if it was awkward. Miller would hate to admit it but he really did love Damon and his family. So he naturally felt guilty for having an affair with his boss.

"Do you love me?" Were the words that broke the silence but increased the awkwardness. Miller eyes widened at the sudden question as he nervously laughed and asked
"Where'd that come from?" While messing with his nail.

"Honestly? Do you love me?" Damon stopped walking and turned back to Miller looking for an honest answer. Finally removing his attention from his nails to Damon he stared at those eyes normally filled with some despair, love and happiness. But when he looked that is not what he saw, The love was filled with heartbreak, happiness filled with sad and the despair that flickered in the back of his eyes was now upfront and glowing brightly as if it was a light.

Swallowing the lump in his throat with nervousness he nodded. A sigh coming from Damon as he hugged Miller tightly as if it was their last. Hesitantly Miller hugged back before laying his head on the others shoulder.
"Did something happen?" He spoke as the grip tightened then slowly released.
"I'm getting a divorce." He spoke pushing Miller backwards but still holding his waist. There was now guilt In Miller's eyes.

"Is it... Is it because-"
"She was already in a relationship with another man before we even got together."
"We?" There was a slight chuckle but he was generally curious on what Damon meant.
"Me and you."
"Who was it? If you don't mind me asking?"
"Her acting partner Matthew."
"I'm sorry?"Confused once more Miller questioned what to say. The look of confusion on his face was enough for Damon to laugh.

He leaned down kissing Miller bringing him back to his senses. Miller tightened his grip on Damon before a whistle broke the two apart. Pulling away they glance in the direction of the whistle a little scared of what they might find but clamed themselves after seeing an old friend standing in the parking lot with heels in hand.

"Don't mind me. Continue. " She said with a chuckle causing the two to remove their grips on the other and head her direction.
"Do you need help Ms.Hamilton?" Miller said heading her way. She seemed sluggish, tired, and looked almost drunk. That was confirmed after the strong smell of whiskey hit his nose.
"Um... Yeah." She spoke confused at first before throwing her arms open wide as she waited for Miller to pick her up. But as Miller was heading to do so, Damon scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder.

"What's got you so worked up Kat?" He asked. Kat was a nickname given to Katline when they were kids. Damon and Katline have been the best of friends and basically grew up together. The persued their dreams thanks to the other. They did in fact try dating after a while but realized that it wasn't a romantical attraction and stuck by each other as friends. But now a days they barely see each other after Katline became a singer.

"Oh nothing. Matthew just cheated on me with another person and he said he never loved me. And now he's moving away with that person probably. "
"Yeah. He was screwing Hannah In his free time. "
"Hannah?..... Your wife? Hannah."
"Yeah but don't worry about it. "
"Wow looks like we both were screwed."
She said with a laugh. A chuckle came from the others as they continued to his office.

Damon set down his friend who was fast asleep while Miller grabbed a blanket and small pillow from the cabinet. These were there in case of emergency or one had to crash at the industry instead of home. Along with some other essentials and medical things. He placed the pillow under her head and the blanket over her body.

The day had gone by pretty slow and boring since Miller had to leave earlier than expected and Katie stayed sleeping until Three in the afternoon. When she finally woke Damon was staring out the window with a pencil in hand very deep in thought.

She yawned throwing the blanket to the side as her head started throbbed in pain. Groaning she grabbed the sides of her head trying hard to make it disappear. She finally got the pain to slow down and not hit her all at once as Damon stood in front of her with a glass of water and some aspirin. She smiled lightly her eyes still red puffy but not as bad as when she arrived. She thanked him taking both and downing the drink. They both sat in silence it wasn't entirely awkward but it wasn't peaceful either. Suddenly Katie decided to break the unbearable silence.

"So how'd you deal with it?" She asked with a slightly pained expression and voice breaking. He hugged her from the side before she finally released her tears and hugged back. Damon was the only one who she'd go to regardless of the situation. He was Her best friend and she loved that about him. That no matter how hard thins got he stayed with her and she thanked the gods for their meet.

"Well.." He started as he petted her hair. "When I found out it had been a couple of months ago. I wasn't entirely heartbroken. It might sound selfish but I hadn't really loved her as much as we had thought. After that we grew distant and I started my relationship with Miller. She had continued to screw around with Matthew and when she found out about my relationship. She started to hate me decided to hang it over my head unknowing of My knowledge about her affair. So yesterday she had decided to bring it up at dinner. And that's when An argument broke out. She started breaking glasses saying I had acused her of something she didn't do. Then asked for a divorce. And now here we are. I feel bad for not telling you so many months ago but I couldn't stand to see you hurt. I understand if you'd hate me for this. But understand that I did this because I didn't want you to lose your happiness."

Katie had finally stopped crying and was just staring in shock at this new found information. She quickly wiped her tears and removed herself from Damon's side.
"Through thick an thin remember. You just wanted me happy. And besides you've done so much worse. But your still a fucking asshole for not telling me about this. I'm much more hurt now than I would have been then. Instead of telling me you hid it. Instead of breaking it off with your wife you turned around and had an affair which is just as bad as what she did. And last you doubted that I would leave you because of something as silly as this. I've always chosen you over everything right. I've always believed you? "

"Right. I'm sorry again. I deeply apologize and I feel bad."
"Don't do that. I hate when you do that. Making it seem like this is your fault. "
"But it is. I didn't tell you I had an affair and yes I did doubt that you'd choose someone else over me. Because you absolutely loved him."
"Hmmm. Well I guesstimate all true but it's not entirely your fault. They cheated. You to but they had originally started it. What you did was still wrong and I'm not going to try and protect you from it but I am not as mad because you weren't the one who had cheated with my boyfriend or on my best friend."

"I guess your right. I should start thinking before making anymore decisions."

"If you haven't been using your brain for months who's been running the business. " She laughed.

"Haha very funny." He said sarcastically but smiling with a small laugh.

"Now since this situation has Been resolved I should probably getting going. " She stood up and grabbed her heels.

"Hey Thanks I really needed that laugh."
She said with a smile as he just nodded while watching her leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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