The lesson passed in a blur, London settling in well with the girls. He and Lei had many things in common, both of them ganging up on Eden with their thoughts while Eden was left to fight on her lonesome. It was a welcome distraction, although she felt a little betrayed from both her best friend and new friend.

All three of them left the lesson together, splitting up for the next.

As Eden walked to her next class, she felt alone again. The ambience around her was an uncomfortable form of loneliness, and she couldn't shake it. Although she had people around her the dim cloud just couldn't seem to stop following her. Eden knew it had a reason to be there. Without it, he would just feel melancholy all day.

Of course, melancholy until she would catch sight of that one special person.

She stared out of the window in maths, looking out at the trees that had finished shedding all their leaves. As the class dragged on and the teacher introduced new concepts, Eden found herself talking to Hanna who although kind, was dense as to what had happened. It wasn't that nobody had told her, she just didn't seem to pick up on the events entirely.

"Hanna, it's just a-"

"What did you say? Repeat it, repeat it!"

"I said that Lucas walked past me today-"

"He totally likes you back. Ask him out, it'll do you good."

Eden, open mouthed, looked quizzically at the other girl.

"Girl, do you even know what happened between us two....I- I don't think I can even look him in the face. Besides, all he did was walk!"

Besides, he likes someone else.

Eden didn't say that part aloud. Instead, she frowned and looked down.

"Wait- what happened between you guys?"

Hanna looked at Eden with big, comical eyes. She truly didn't understand what had happened, and Eden didn't feel like explaining everything to her again.

She sighed.

"Never-mind, it's nothing. What were we talking about?"

"Your boyfriend."

"I- what the hell- He's not my boyfriend"

"He is. He literally shines when he walks past you."

"That's just the sun on his hair-"

"That's beside the point, Eden."

"Anyways, It's not like he likes me at all. Not like you and Josewon-"

'He's not my boyfriend"

"Oh right. He's your husband."

A visibly annoyed friend was starting to develop, but Eden decided to poke fun at her anyways.

"I remember what you tell me! Hanna, you even miss chemistry because of him, CHEMISTRY!"

Now said friend was embarrassed. She turned away, red as she tried to deny all the allegations.

"Shut up!"

Eden laughed at her hopelessness, until she caught sight of something.

Or someone.

As much as her mind told her to stop her heart was drawn to him and she felt bittersweet happiness flow through her. She glanced at him, and although she felt the same fear it was almost a thrill.

She knew he would never, ever look at her the same, wouldn't look at her at all but it was enough for her that he was there.

He was using the printer.

To her surprise, Lei went up to him and she watched as they had a conversation. Lucas smiled at her and as if she didn't know already, she felt the flowers crawl up her throat. She tore her eyes from them and turned around, working on the maths work that had been assigned and swallowing down the petals that threatened to spill.

Lei spotted her and walked over after the conversation had ended.

"Ew I had to talk to him out of all people. We're in the same group for English."

Eden nodded along and listened to her, even though she thought it was as obvious as night and day.

"Hey Lei..."


Her friend stopped doodling on Eden's maths book and looked at Eden expectantly.

"You know how we had that conversation in the locker room-"

"Eden! No! Do I gotta tell you again-"

"Listen." Eden shushed her friend. 

Its true

The Boy in BlueWhere stories live. Discover now