25:... homework....

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Now that you and Kyo where actually together you started spending more time together. You didn't go telling very many people however because you and Kyo didn't want to.

Sometimes you went over to his place even and hung out even. His parents were sweet and his dad not as scary as you thought. He just worked as a laborer so the gruff exterior was his uniform basically.  His mom was more terrifying, Kyotani was her only son and she was extremely protective. You however understood where he got his personality from.

One day when you were about to leave for his place Oikawa and Iwaizumi spotted you and wanted to tag along. Oikawa knew where you were going so he just wanted to tease you but Iwaizumi shouldn't of known where you were going. When you did separate from them he looked a little hurt but otherwise understanding.

When you got to Kyotani's place you flopped face down into his bed with a loud groaning sound. Kyotani rolled his eyes and went to sit on his bed next to you.
"Stop being that way your brother even said he knew you liked me before you did."

"You stop being that way! Still hurts him!"
You sat up and pushed Kyo roughly away from you. He couldn't of known you were dating and he found out like this? You wanted to talk to him later.

"Who cares how he feels about it? He's just your brothers best friend."
Kyotani insisted, obviously getting offend how much you were worrying about Iwaizumi's feelings.

"Yeah and my friend."
You glared at Kyotani slightly. You were still friends with Iwaizumi.... at least you thought so.

"Yeah well I'll tell you when I fuck my friends."
Kyotani rolled his eyes and quickly stood before going to unpack his backpack.

"As far as I know you are cause I'm your only friend."
You hopped off Kyotani's bed and quickly went to stand behind him, wrapping you arms around his waist.

"I have friends!"
Kyotani quickly got defensive and turned to you.

"Really who?"
You quickly asked, leaving no room for him to think and there was a pause before he spoke again.

Kyotani's reluctantly responded before escaping from your arms and turning away from you to throw his stuff onto his desk
"Doesn't matter."

"Really why don't you ever hang out with him?"
You asked, persistently wrapping your arms around him.

"He's busy.... with upper year stuff."
Kyotani scrambled for a last minute answer.
"They are almost graduated. You know."

"I know... my brother and best friends are graduating as well."
You reassured him as you nuzzle your head into his back, causing him to tense and growl.

You giggled a bit before pulling away and letting Kyotani turn to you before quickly pulling you into his arms. You leaned up and started to pepper kiss along his jaw, feeling Kyotani tense again against you body.

Your hand pulled his uniform shirt over your hands before trailing your hands up his bare body.
"You are tense...."

"Don't act dumb. You are doing it."
Kyotani quickly responded to you, trying to relax his body again before growling and pushing you away by your head
"Just do your homework stupid."

You pouted as you leaned your head into Kyotani's hand.
"Kyo~ I don't wanna."
You whined a bit

"Just do it."
Kyotani commanded before tossing a book into your chest. You pouted once again before going to lay on Kyotani's bed and do you homework.

Kyotani quietly worked away at his homework on his desk, away from you. Every once and a while glancing over at you and you pretend not to notice although you weren't really good at it. As soon as he knew you notied him he would quickly look away, causing you to giggle.

You had learned he was more... timid now that you were dating. Suddenly, you broke the silence, letting the curiosity get the best of you.
"This is your first actual relationship right?"

"No its not!"
Kyotani quickly defended himself and turned to you with a glare. You couldn't help but giggle, he looked like those little boys when you accused them of having a crush but they didn't want to admit it. He had mentioned it sort of before but this must to been too direct.

"Only hook-ups right?"
You continued, Kyotani only getting more defensive as he quickly stood and went over to the bed. He attempted to place his hand over your mouth to silence you but you grabbed his hand and started to push him away while leaning back
"Kyotani I know it is! It is obvious!"

"No its not! I could of dated anyone I wanted before you!"
Kyotani was so distracted with trying to silence you he hadn't notice he was now ontop of you on his bed wrestling you basically.

"Oh? I bet you could of? Name a single person?"
You continued to tease him, enjoying this much more then any bit of homework that could ever be assigned to you.

Kyotani froze for a moment before shaking his head and attempting to get off you and the bed. You grabbed ahold of his arm and tried to stop him while giggling.
"Neverminded. You should be getting home soon anyways."

If you ever won, at anything really, Kyotani would leave it and try to change the subject as quickly as possible. His tough guy exterior was much like his dad, only a uniform. After that he was an easy nut to Crack.

"Nooooo! Come over to my house tonight and I'll get homework done."
You whined slightly before attempting to meet in the middle. Although you cracked his code didn't mean it didn't always work.

"Your bodyguard wouldn't allow that on a school night."
Kyotani simply stated as he went back to sitting at his desk.

"I'll sneak you in then~"
You teased, starting to pack up your stuff from Kyotanis bed, refusing to work any longer.

"Your neighbors will just think I'm robbing the place."
Kyotani sighed as he rejected you once again.

You huffed as you stood and walked over to Kyotanis desk, sitting down on a corned of it.
"Then how about a bet?"
Kyotani couldn't turn down a bit and like that. You had his attention, he turned to you with a raised brow.

"If you can finish that page... before you finish....then I go home no questions.... if you can't... then I stay the night over here...."
You were already lowering yourself to your knees in front of Kyotani.

Kyo bit his lip before reaching up and grabbing a bit of your hair and directing you under his desk.
"Consider the bet Made..."

Mercy (Kyotani/Maddog)Where stories live. Discover now