Desire Route 1

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While the rest of the Guardians talk with each other...the white hedgehog with yellow eyes catches her eye.She stands there watching him talking to... Gekido and turns to see me looking at him.She turn her head hiding the little blush on my face.

E:*mind:fucking brain....really...i got grabbed here and mit be given to a perverted asshole and...blushing at one of really a hopeless romantic huh?-*

Yukubo:miss are you alright?


She looks up and sees yukubo looking down at her.she sweats seeing him so tall and looking at her. fine...hehe..*sweats*

Yukubo:right...then why were you staring then?hm?


Gekido:my my~someone likes you yukubo~*chuckles steping closer*

Lord X watches and hears this and smirks from this.he looks at Elizabeth and yukubo chatting and makes a evil move that well cause some happiness or... Death....he walks in the center of the room and calls out.

Lord X:everyone!I have decided who miss Elizabeth going too!~

Everyone stops and listens while Eliza freezes in place shaking.Kofuku hugs her to calm down.

Lord X:The Guardian of desire well have her!~yukubo take her to your realm while making her comfy there.

Yukubo:yes my lord...*he walks up to her*


Yukubo:you can come visit...



Yukubo:*holds her hand*

E:*walks with him*

That stopped at a door to a small bedroom then entered inside.yukubo sits Eliza on her new bed and sits on a chair next to it.

Yukubo:now...miss Elizabeth...tell me about youself...

E:I' 24 years

Yukubo:good to know..

Thay talked more until the it's sunset.So he ask Eliza to change into night time clothes and head for bed.she nodded not waiting to get him angry so she got dressed and falls asleep.Yukubo covers her with a blanket and kisses her forehead saying goodnight making her blush.
He chuckles and hears rain falling from outside but it's not water dropping from the was blood...yukubo draw the cover over the window and walks to the door while closing it he looks at Eliza asleep and then closes it.he sighs and walks to his room and goes to bed.


*End of Route 1*

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