• 10: Dragonspine Expedition Part 4 •

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After walking an enough distance from the Fatui Skirmishers, Sucrose opened her bag, telling people to stay away from the crystal marrow. She took out her explosive potion. BOOM! After that, she took one of the shards, keeping it as a sample for future alchemy research.

"Are you inspired by Klee, Sucrose?" Aether asked, knowing explosions are always related to Klee.

"Kinda," Sucrose answered, she giggled.

The group, including Eula, Amber, and Kaeya, walked to the Wyrmest Valley. On the way, Aether asked how Eula, Kaeya, and Amber suddenly appeared.

"I was just doing my usual patrol around Dragonspine, nothing in particular," Eula answered. "While Kaeya and Amber are on a different case. They both got summoned by the Acting Grandmaster Jean to help out."

"Thank you for your help recently. We really need it. This commision is a bit harder than usual for casual fighters like me and Sucrose, even though walking around Dragonspine is like a walk in the park," Albedo explained with a deep sigh. "Even if its like a walk in the park, we only stay in my campsite, doing our alchemy stuff and that's it."

"It sounds like a fun date~" Kaeya gleefully teases Albedo. "In a big, snowy, and quiet mountain, with only you and this furry girl right there, doesn't it sounds... kinda romantic?" Kaeya pointed at Sucrose, who's just walking side by side with Amber, talking about their commision.

Albedo's face turned red once Kaeya said that. "Please just shut it. She's just a dearest assistant and friend to me. Nothing much."

"Boy, you're so wrong! Mona literally just said this to me this morning, Sucrose slept in your house last night!" Kaeya bursts out laughing, he looks like he's having fun teasing Albedo.

"Kaeya, stop." Eula shuts Kaeya's mouth with her hand. "We're almost arrived. Wyrmrest Valley."

"Mmh mmh mmh!" Kaeya protested angrily that his voice got muffled by Eula.

The group finally arrived at the last location. It was nighttime, so they decided to take a rest for a while and set up a campfire and eat food.

"You all set your tents. I'm tired, but no need to sleep," Eula said as she munched her Chicken Mushroom Skewer. "I'll probably be waiting outside."

"Same, sleeping outside is better." Kaeya laid down on a falling tree trunk. He looks like he's comfortable in there.

All of them then set up tents. Amber said she wants to share a tent with Sucrose. Suddenly, Fischl came up to them, helping them setting up Sucrose's tent.

"Can I... can I share a tent with you guys?" She asked nervously. "I-I mean, I, Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, shall convey my deepest courtesy, by lending this fine young alchemist my tent, because Bennett's can only fit two, while yours are big enough for three of us." Fischl pointed at Albedo, changing her voice tone.

"Sure," Sucrose answered with a gleeful smile.


That night, the three girls changed their clothes to a nightgown---except for Amber, she can still sleep comfortably in her Outrider uniform. She doesn't bring anything with her.

Fischl and Amber are already fell asleep, while Sucrose is still busy with her crystal marrow samples and crafting more explosive potions. The tent is already dark, and she doesn't want to turn on her lantern, because it might wake up Fischl and Amber. She then walked outside the tent. The campfire is still on, but Kaeya already dissapeared from the fallen tree trunk. He's not in his "bed". Which means Sucrose is fully alone, even though there are Bennett, Aether, Albedo, Fischl, and Amber asleep in the tents. She just feels alone.

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