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|•Izuku POV•|

After the talk with mom she told me she moved from the house because a flood hit and it destroyed the house and now she lives 2 hours away from the school and it's already too late to be walking hours in the winter cold.

Finally I decided to stay at a hotel for a month so I could look for a job in the meantime because i don't want to struggle my mom with me buying clothes and stuff.

I found a job at a cafe that will only be temporary and I filled the script out and waited for a reply.

I finished packing and looked for a hotel to stay in that's near hear but not Too close.

I eventually found a 5 star rating hotel just 40 minutes away from here and decided to go there .

I packed up and sent a text to kacchan to tell the class I'm leaving and left.

Eventually I made it to the hotel and unpacked and by the time I was done I was exhausted I looked at the time, it was 6 pm and I decided to take a fast nap because I still have to go to the store to buy groceries and make dinner.

An hour and a half later

I awoke to my alarm beeping again gosh I hate that alarm I looked at the time and saw it was 7:30 now damn I better hurry if I want to make it.

I got out of bed and and tossed shoes on and grabbed my bag that I take to the store which has water, candy, pepper spray, and brass knuckles inside oh and yeah money.

I ran to the store and got a ton of groceries probably way too much but still I put most of the groceries to fit in the bag since they were small items.

After I was done shoving small groceries in my bag I started to walk.

But while I was walking and I was about 5 minutes away from the hotel I walked passed an alleyway where I heard a groan.

And no it was not that kind of groan it was a groan of pain.

I quickly stopped in my tracks debating whether or not I should go in there if there is danger in there I won't be able to protect myself because my brass knuckles and pepper spray was all the way under the groceries and that would take forever to take out.

I finally decided on going into the alleyway.

Yes it was stupid and reckless but who knows what will happen.

As I walk through the dimly lit alley the groans we're getting louder followed by heavy harsh breathing.

Whoever was in hear was definitely hurt.

As I walked deeper and deeper in the alley I started to see a dark figure covered by the shadows.

"Hello?" I asked as I slowly approached my guard up.

" Are you hurt? You don't sound well" I said the figure shifted a bit but let out a strained groan they finally started to talk "Go...Go Away...Now" this person either hated asking for help or they were crazy but still I decided I was going to help because I can't just leave them here "I'm going to get you help you sound hurt let me just call the ambulance and they will come get you ok?" I replied ignoring his sentence "NO! no you won't I can't have you calling them I cant let them see me if I go to the hospital they will find me again I'm not going through that again never..."

He sounded scared of these mysterious people he is talking about I feel bad what did they put him through "but you need medical help if you don't want to accept it from the hospital at least let me give it to you I can leave you like this." I said hoping he will say yes.

"My mother is a doctor she taught all there is to know about medical procedures when I was growing up so I can help you but only if you'll let me I won't take you to the hospital but I'm staying at a hotel 5 minutes from here if you will let me I can take you there and I will treat you"

"Are you sure you want to help me?"
What is wrong with this man? "Yes of course I'm sure." This guy really doesn't want help "fine.." yes!! Phew

"Alright I'm going to approach you and help you up I don't have a car so we will have to walk ok?" He just hummed a 'hn' which I took as a yes.

I got him up and we started walking to my hotel, I unlocked the key card and went inside I thought about what would be the most comfortable spot to put him and that was the bed.

As I got him onto the bed I realized he lost a lot of blood and if I was to not take him to the hospital I would have to work very quickly otherwise I would have no choice but to take him.

Getting all the towels and everything for the procedure, I put pressure on the wounds.

Tbc thx for reading my little artic foxes 🦊

|~ Warmth in the Winter Cold ~| A Bucky x Izuku Fanfiction |°•RARE STORY!!!•°|Where stories live. Discover now