On My Own

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(Violet's Pov)

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(Violet's Pov)

I was just looking at the flames as Clementine had gone up to bed. She told me that we would be leaving in the morning but that's not what I wanted. I wanted to stay here, I wanted to live here it was nice here, it was calming, I don't really have to worry and no one has to worry about me. It's like a dream.

'This isn't a dream but I can see where you think that.' Inner Violet says and I roll my eyes.

"It's just a great place in all honesty." I mutter as I look to the side a bit.

'I get that, I really do.' Inner Violet says and I sigh a bit at this.

"I need a drink." I mutter as I get up and head over to the window and take a look.

'Nothing stopping you.' She says and I look up the stairs and I nod as I opened the door and put a plank of wood under the door knob to keep the door from being opened. I head out to the barn and grabbed the hidden whiskey bottle and I open it up. I take a drink and looked around the barn a bit and take a seat near the haystacks. So, I just sit there and I drink and drink till the bottle is empty. I felt a bit sick from the back-to-back drinking of the whiskey but I just deal with it as I get up slowly and grab the haystack as I stumbled a bit. I shake my head slowly as I walk over to the house and I take a seat on the porch but I moved the wood plank out the way and I clear my throat.

'Feel better?' Inner Violet asked and I loo up to see her looking right at me.

"No... it was good for a while but... I feel sick." I mutter and lay my head in my hand.

'Well yea I suppose it's going to make you sick.' She says and I groan a bit. I then hear the door open and I look up to see Clementine looking at me and I shake my head a bit.

"Are you ok?" I hear and shake my head.

"I drank to much... whiskey?" I asked and looked to Inner Violet who shrugs and I shake my head again.

"Well drinking does that." Clementine says and takes a seat next to me and I look at her.

"Not mad?" I asked her.

"A little, I mean you kind of locked me in the house before you went to drink but like you said, you only need to worry about yourself out here." She says and I sighed at this.

"I didn't mean to... I just... fuck." I mutter as I lift my head a bit and look to her.

"I just want to be on my own for a bit, I just want to... I don't want to be an asshole... yea that word, and I know I am being one by asking for this... I just... fuck." I mutter and sighed.

"I can't stop you but I just want you to know that Ruby and the others they would really like to see you... maybe you can tell them this?" She asked and I look up at her and I think and nod.

"We can head out tonight... if you want... right now?" I asked.

"Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded a bit at this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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