Learning Something New

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(Violet's Pov)

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(Violet's Pov)

I was looking at AJ as he slept and I look to Clementine as she rubbed his head gently. I take a breath and I look to the wall for a bit.

"So, what else has happened when you were out here? I mean before you came to the school." I asked her and she looked to me and thought for a bit.

"Hmm... I once tried to catch a racoon." She tells me.

"Wait, you mean when you wanted to pet it in your tree house?" I asked confused and she laughed a little.

"No, no this was before AJ was born, I want to say maybe an hour before he was born, we were trying to catch it for his mom... to eat." She says and I chuckled a bit.

"It had a small family... we were at a civil war park or something, I just know Lee would have liked to have been there." She tells me and I look to her as she kept looking at AJ and rubbing his head.

"... You met Gabe, right?" She asked and I think.

"Javier's nephew, right?" I asked and she nods.

"Yes, I did when we first started looking for you." I tell her.

"Well, you know how I told you a boy had a massive crush on me?" She asked and I look at her.

"That was him?" I asked and she nods.

"Well fuck." I mutter and she laughed.

"Don't worry, I didn't like him and I don't like him that way." She says and I look at her.

"Anyway... he would follow me around like a lost puppy, would listen to me but not his uncle... anyway he was just annoying and it bothered me... when we were heading to Richmond a man named Conrad decided to use Gabe as a way to get Javier to hand me over to the New Frontier after what had happened. His wife died and he was just in a bad place... Well Conrad had a gun pointed at Gabe's head, threatened to kill him if I didn't get handed over to them since I told Javier that I was part of that group.... Javier ended up shooting Conrad and then Gabe decided to bring that up later on and Tripp got mad but Gabe didn't tell the full story basically blaming Javier for all the bad things and such... yet his uncle still went to save him after everything... and I followed him." She tells me and I get up and go over to her. I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"He was stupid, yet he thought I would like him." She says and I look at her as I rubbed her shoulder a bit.

"Sounds like a Louis but I am going to give Louis credit, he wouldn't lie or forget details... exaggerate the story a bit maybe." I say and she laughed at this and I look to AJ.

"I almost killed Javier for a truck, big old truck, basically trying to rob him." She says and I chuckled.

"Shit a teen robbing an adult... though you are bad ass so." I say and we both laughed a bit at this.

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