Chapter 1

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The four brothers were fighting with a band of Purple Dragons. They had received a call from April telling them that she had seen some guys loading a truck full of mutagen. Mikey found himself fighting with a few Dragons, while turning his moves into fun dance moves. In one of those steps, a Purple Dragon jumped towards Mikey, with no luck, as Raph caught him and threw him into the air. "Mikey! Take the fight seriously!" said Raph, as he nailed his sais to the truck door to open it, making way for a bunch of containers with mutagen. Mikey snorted for a moment, then responded with a little laugh. "Quiet brother! These guys are easy to defeat, I'm just having fun!" Leo interrupted his younger brother, beckoning Donnie to get into the truck and take it to a safe place before taking it to the sewers. "Don't trust yourself Mikey, not all of our enemies are going to be easy, so focus on the mission." In the middle of the brothers' argument, Donnie realized that one of the Purple Dragons was leaving with a container of mutagen. "You guys, shut up! A Purple Dragon has a container of mutagen and is leaving," Donnie said annoyed. "Well done Mikey, as always, getting in the way," Raph said. Mikey tried to reply, but Leo asked him to be silent with signs. The Dragon was gone. "Okay, let's split. Donnie, put the truck under the shelter, Raph and Mikey, go north, I'll go south, and when you finish Donnie, go west. We will meet here in 30 minutes. If you see something, communicate it by the T-phone." Leo immediately saw the expression of disgust on Raph's face." That's not fair! Why do I always have to go with Mikey?" before Leo could answer, Mikey got ahead of him. "I can go alone, I'm not a little boy.  I'll go east if it bothers Raph so much," and before anyone could complain, Mikey was already gone. Leo looked at Raph badly, as he rolled his eyes and went north. Leo and Donnie looked at each other and each went their own way.

Mikey was jumping from one building to another. The gentle breeze of the night comforted him slightly, as he kept thinking about the words of his brothers. Lately he had been feeling sadder than usual, and that terrified him. He was terrified that because of his feelings, he would begin to distance himself from his brothers. Among all these thoughts, he was able to detect something unusual. Someone was following him. He stopped, closed his eyes and tried to detect where the thing that had been chasing him for a while was. His senses were very perfected, especially that of his ear, and he could hear something perching sharply in front of him.

"Wow..." Shredder said.


We were waiting for Mikey for a while. He should have come about 15 minutes ago. Mikey was fast and elusive, so it was even stranger that he hadn't reached the meeting point yet. Donnie had caught the Dragon, and we already had the mutagen container, but Mikey wasn't there yet.
"Late again? As soon as I see him, I'm going to punch him. Can't we leave? He's probably just gone to eat pizza and been distracted from the mission." Donnie looked at Raph worriedly. "I don't know Raph, maybe something serious has happened to him, although I haven't received any message from him..." I nodded and looked east, where Mikey had gone. "There will be time to scold him if it's necessary Raph, but first, we better go find him." Donnie picked up the mutagen and the three of us headed towards the streets of New York, looking for our brother.


Mikey was face to face against Shredder, one of his greatest enemies, his sensei's brother. He remembered that he had his T-phone, and before he could give the alert, Shredder spoke. "I have been watching you, Mikelangelo, and I have not come to fight." Mikey looked at him in amazement, how did he know his name? He lowered his nunchakus and looked at him curiously. "What have you come to then?" he asked. Shredder cleared his throat, then spoke. His voice was deep, and it made Mikey feel a little intimidated. "I want to propose an offer to you. I want to train you to be my apprentice." Mikey's eyes almost burst out of their sockets upon hearing that. Was he in a dream?

"I can see on your face that you are confused. Let me explain." He took a look at his T-phone, and after a few seconds, put it away.
An invisible smile was drawn under the mask of his enemy, while Mikey listened intently.


MY CAT WAS TRYING TO EAT MY FINGER WHILE I WAS WRITING THIS😭😭. Anyways, I hope you like it, it's my first time writing because I'm a bit insecure about it ^^

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