Chapter 1 'rainy night'

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"Guys it's not looking great."

Said the oldest, eyes on the window reflecting the stormy weather in his deep brown eyes. The men sitting on the ground in a circle around a stack of uno cards ignored him completely, continuing in their intense play with 10 bucks on the line.

"And now dear Yoongi," said Hoseok holding a uno card up above his head. "You take +4!" The circle went into an instant chatter, the light blue haired male nonchalantly throwing another +4 card onto the pile.

"Not really. But how about Jimin does? But 8 instead of 4." He looked over to his friend who was sweating, hands shaking, looking over the cards nervously not ready to take in more cards after he just took a bunch earlier. It was difficult to hold them.

"No come onnn how come I never get any good cards!" Jimin whined taking the 8 with a sigh of defeat. Taehyung took another turn before looking over to Jin still looking out the raindrop covered window.

"Jin come play, stop looking out so much. There's nothing to see anyway." He patted the empty seat next to him, Jin not even slightly turning his head towards him.

"I'm not interested thank you. God I wonder when will it stop raining."

"When you decide to come play. Hoseok is winning for the third time tonight." Taehyung grit out, glaringly looking over to the red head male who was jumping all over the place from excitement.

"Not my fault. You guys suck." Jin chuckled.

"Whatever." Huffed Taehyung before turning over, seeing everyone's cards dropped on the ground. "I'VE WON WOO." Hoseok grinned, others annoyed looking at the ground.

"This is not fun anymore. What other games do you have?" Jungkook jumped in, him being most unhappiest with the loss. After all he has a moto 'I'll never lose'.

"I'm not sure. We played out most of the games and I've won all of them. You guys are just upset because you suck." Hoseok looked over to the gameboard cupboard, empty shelves collecting dust the only thing left behind, all the board games he owned scattered all over the ground.

"Ugh I don't get it. You're probably using super cheats. Where is the mirror? You seen my cards right? Analyzed my every move???" Jungkook started, angrily throwing the cards onto the carpeted floor. Hoseok bursted into a laugh.

"Of course. It's not like you lost because you can't play properly." Jungkook huffed, his face red.

"Guys stop fighting. Hoseok you did great. Now let's do something better." Jin finally left the window seeing behind and sat next to them.

"But what though?"

"Are you sure you didn't leave any game behind?" Jimin popped in.

"Hmmm I'm sure. Look there's nothing." Hoseok pointed at the cupboard, Yoongi crawling in to take a closer look. His eyes lit up.

"Look guys, there might be a one more game we can play."

The guys looked over curiously, watching Yoongi pull out the mysterious game. Everyone gathered round, interested in the new game they've found. It looked beaten up though, Hoseok lifting one of his eyebrows.

"I've never seen this game. Nor remember buying it."

They observed the game from above, burned burgundy colored cover was embellished with a rustic golden rim and a skull head with amethyst eyes which stared right back at them. It gave off a 'I'm a rich vampire king' vibe.

"Looks very good. Expensive even." Jimin added to the silence that took over the room, heavy rain knocking on the window before a thunder hit the power line, swallowing the room in a complete darkness.


"Well, powers out."

"Light a candle, hurry!"

Jin lit up a match, giving the place a soft glow. He looked around before grabbing a candle placed on the table, lighting it up.

"Seriously. It went out at the worst time." Jungkook laid back with expharation in his voice. Jin looked for more candles all over the room, lighting them up for a stronger visibility.

"Well let's open the game. I'm curious." Yoongi pointed out the ignored game, the friends looking over each other before Namjoon decided to get this over with.

"Fine I'll do it." He reached out and tried to pull the cover off, only in the realization that it wasn't a game of sort. Instead it was a book.

"See? I told you I don't remember buying this!" Hoseok assured.

"Guys. This book is empty." Namjoon jumped in listing trough the ripped, cream colored but slightly yellowed pages. It was weird, a book with no words. Was it a notebook maybe?

"Joon throw it away. I have some power on my laptop so let's watch a movie." Jin called, him looking around only to realize all the men were already seated by the computer. He joined them, passing over the snacks they found in the kitchen cabinets.

Taehyung sat by the couch next to the arm rest, already bored out of his mind with his attention span of a house fly.

He took out his phone and scrolled trough the Twitter for a bit before having the phone snatched by Jin who glared at him.

Well there goes that idea. He yawned and looked around, everywhere that wasn't the movie to distract himself from the absolute boredom the felt.

That's until his eyes landed on the book they found, extending his arm fingers touched the leather cover, traveling across the smooth surface to the skull to the amethyst eyes.

It was a beautiful book, surely expensive with the delicate skull of a bird.

A flash of bright pink ran trough the gems under Taehyung's finger tips, the skull cracking slightly. He felt a cold chill in his hands, his body shooken up.

Upon opening the book, revealing a text he couldn't understand, some words were highlighted in the same shade of pink as the flash of light from earlier.

It was a language he didn't understand unfortunately, so he just closed the book and threw it somewhere onto the ground, receiving the bowl of popcorn over.

As he turned back though, the book was gone. Strange.

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