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We finished running. That 12 minutes felt like the longest twelve minutes of my life.
"Ok, good job everyone." Miss Montgomery said, "Soon, we'll be running an hour in no time."
Me, the boys and Valeria had an idea. We want to drive Deputy Dawg's car. Do we have a license? No
Are we old enough to drive? Not at all. But hopefully we can convince him.
"Oh, wait Evan." We stopped walking, while the others continued.
"I forgot to give you your prize." She said kinda flirty.
"What is it?" I ask, genuinely curious.
She leaned in close and pressed her lips onto mine. It actually kinda felt nice. We stayed like that until she pulled away for air. She was blushing, and I'm sure I am too.
"Come on you two. Catch up!" Larry calls. Thank god he didn't see. I could imagine how they would tease me.
"Tell no one?" I said.
"Of course. Imagine what my mom would think." She said. She is not wrong.
We head over to Deputy's car. Nick was in the drivers seat with Larry and Deputy Tom next to him. Me, Val, and Jeff were in the back.
"Ok, one lesson apiece. No telling anyone, ever!" Tom warns us.
Nick gets ready to start the car, "Hold on, Everyone." He starts the car fast. Luckily, we were on an empty field. Everyone in the car was screaming and moving around due to Nick turning the car around constantly. Val was laughing and screaming. I knew she was having fun. I was too.
Nick drives the car near a ditch, making us all lean to the right. I kinda leaned into her lap.
The whole car was crazy. As if it wasn't good enough, Nick starts driving backwards and turning all over the place.
"WE LOVE YOU DEPUTY DAWG!" We all shouted. This was definitely a time I'll never forget.


All of the students are in class. Some of them are working. Some are trying to work. Whenever Ms. Montgomery isn't looking, Valeria and Evan are passing notes to each other. Everyone knows they have a thing for each other, they just didn't know that they have kissed. Ms Montgomery goes to the back of the class to Kate.
"Kate, I know you can do this." She says, kneeling down.
Kate talks in her usual tone, "Come on, I'll probably just end up being a checker at the Piggly-Wiggly. So what difference does it make?"
Anna speaks in her kind tone, "You don't fool me, Kate.I know how smart you are. And even checkers at Piggly-Wiggly need math too."
"No, they don't. They have those little black stripes on all the things. It adds it all automatic."
Anna wants these Elma Kids to see that there is more to there lives. Her goal is for every student to see their potential and reach their goals.
"Look, giving up before you ever really started is a sad way to live your life. You keep your talents hidden and undiscovered. You only cheat yourself."
Some kids in the class laugh to themselves. Juan looks over to Kate.
"Why don't you all worry about your own work?" Kate tries to draw the attention away from herself.
"Kate's right. Everyone get back to work." The students follow Anna's orders.
Kate and Juan look at each other. Juan smiles, while Kate keeps an angry look on her face and gets back to her class work.

A/N: Wow, I haven't done a chapter in a month. Im sorry. I'll be back to writing since the school year is almost over.

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