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Her outfit above ⬆️

"Kate would you like to show the class where Columbus landed in the new world?" My mum asked, standing in the front of the classroom.
"You mean get up?" She says, knife in her hands still. She always has this 'don't talk to me attitude'. I was trying hard not to make a snarky remark to her.
" I don't get up for anybody."
"Right". There's a knock at the door.
"Can I come in?" A lady and some boy was there.
"Of course" my mum replied.
"Mrs. Montgomery. Class" she says, not loud enough to get the students their attention. "Class." The girls keep chattering and the boys keep burping, still focused on their own things instead of her. Evan kept messing with some weird pair of glasses.
"Can you even see in those?"
"Who cares?"
"I do. "
The lady grabs the ruler and hits my desk "I SAID CLASS."
I flinched hard.
"Sorry sweetie."
"I-It's okay."
"This young man is Ju-an Mor-ales" She pronounced his name wrong.
"And he's new to town and will be joining your class."
"Howdy Ju-an." They laugh.
"Stop." I hit Evan in the arm
"Okay, no need to hit me" He rubs his arm.
"Welcome to Elma Ju-an." She walks out.
"Hello Ju-an. Miss Montgomery."
"It's Juan."
"Juan. You may take a seat."
As he makes his way to the seat, Larry tries to trip him, "Don't trip"
"Class, let's all make our new student feel at home, shall we?"
"Pull up a cot and get a pillow. We're in the middle of geology"
"Geography, Idiot" I say.
"Whatever, Same thing."
"Right, can you please focus our attention up here? Juan, we're learning world geography."
They start pretending to snore and make sleeping noises. I can't help but laugh a little.
My mom takes apart the globe. "Can someone please tell me what's wrong with this globe?"
"You just broke it"
"That true, but since you have absolutely no interest in learning anything about anything I'm talking about such as this globe, well, why don't we just try something else with it. Valeria, wanna help me?"
"Sure? I guess."
I get up. She kicks the ball with her knees and bounces the ball with her head and passes it to me. I continue bouncing it with my head, then do some tricks with my feet and catch the ball in my hands. The whole class basically had their jaws on the floor.
"Man, where did you learn to do that?"
"Prison" we say at the same time, trying to sound real.
Nick spits his jaw breaker our and hits Evan. "Ow!"
"Well, that's a joke. Isn't it?" We laugh, while the rest of the class looks concerned.
"I learned it in school in England, which is another country far from Texas. I carried it on to Valeria when she was younger. I have another idea. Do yow all want to follow me?" She walks near the door, but only Juan gets up.
"Come on guys. I think it'll be fun." No one answers. "Ok. I didn't wanna do this. Get up or I'm gonna kick you."
"Really." I kick Larry in the shin "Ok. ok, ouch, I'll get up"
The rest of the class gets up.
"Ha, nice one." Evan says, raising his hand.
"Thanks," I high five him. Then decide to hold his hand to see how he reacts. As we walk, he notices, and in the corner of my eye, I see his smile.

A/N: I added that last cute moment <3 You're welcome
I'm supposed to be asleep right now so I'll update tomorrow again I promise. Love you guys <3

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