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Valeria's POV:
Finally, Elma.
Me and my mom came here since she got a job as a teacher here. We moved from England.
"Are you excited?"
"Of course", I responded. Even though I spent 5 years of my life in England, I kept my accent and culture. My thoughts are cut off by...............pigeons? "Do you hear that?"
"Yes, I do. Look."
I look and see 4 boys laying down on the ground, letting the pigeons eat food of them. "Mom, just let them. Boys need to be, well, boys and be idiots."
My mom pulled over and ran towards a hose. She yells to scare the birds and sprays the boys with water. I sigh and get out of the car.
"What are you doing?!", one of the boys says.
"Oh I'm sorry I though you were in trouble."
"So you hosed us?!"
"She was trying to help you guys, even though I told her to leave you guys alone."
"Well thanks" he said sarcastically
"I'm so sorry.  What on earth were you doing?"
"Feeding the birds."a boy with glasses said.
"There's not much to do in Elma.", a red head speaks. He's not wrong. Elma is just a small poor town. Based on how it looks, I bet not much happens here.
"Who are you two anyway?"
"Well I'm the new teacher, and this is my daughter." she gestures to me. I give a small wave.
"No way!" They all say at once.
"We're here from England. My mum is here on a teaching exchange. They didn't tell you?"
"Nobody tells us anything." I can see why, I say to myself. "There's two classes: little kids-"
"And big kids." he cuts his friend off.
"Oh I'm teaching the big kids and she's going to be in that class too."
"No way!" They all said once again.
"Well we better get going. We'll see you all at school tomorrow." We start walking to the car.
"Wait! New girl!" A kid calls out.
I turn around, "What?"
"We never got your name."
I sigh, "Valeria Montgomery. You?"
"This is Evan Schiff, Jeffery Luttrell, Nick Andersen and I'm Larry Musgrove."
"Nice to meet you all. See you boys at school."I wave to them and walk to the car.
I guess they thought I couldn't here them and they started talking.
"Wow! Deputy Dawg's gonna be drooling over that lady. And that girl. She's not bad"
"Evan was staring"
"Shut up! No I wasn't."
"Yeah you were."
Larry and Evan started arguing. I stepped into the car.
"They seem fun, don't they? Don't worry, you still have the rest of the class to meet."
"Ok, let's get to our new home. I'm tired."

A/N: Hope you like the start of the story.

𝔹𝕚𝕘 𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕟 ℝ𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 (𝔼𝕧𝕒𝕟 𝕩 𝕆𝕔) Where stories live. Discover now