I thanked him and he packed up his things and left, still frowning.

"Hey," Selene knocked on the open door, "I saw a doctor leaving, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I was surprised she had come to ask, "I thought you would be sleeping, Alex's mum said you'd had a long journey."

She laughed then stopped when she saw I wasn't, "Lycans rarely sleep during the day. We always have a lot of energy coursing through us that it makes it hard to calm down enough to actually fall asleep."

"Oh," I hated feeling dumb.

"So how long have you been here?" she asks, coming into the room fully even though I hadn't asked her to.

"A few days, I think. How long have you known Alex?"

"Oh," she giggles, "Allie and I go way back."


"Nice," I nodded, unsure what else to say. Unsure as to why she was here, trying to make conversation.

"I apologise if he has been unkind to you. Allie has never known how to behave around common wolves."

I frowned, "Common wolves?"

"Oh sorry, I mean wolves with no Lycan blood," she widened her eyes innocently.

I knew this girl was a bitch. But this game was one two could play.

I widened my eyes as well, the perfect picture of surprise, "Unkind? My Alex? Not at all. Alex is always very gentle with and nice to me. Sometimes, I think he's too good to be true!"

Her face fell a little at that. Then she perked up again, "He's trying to make things easier for you. You know, rejection often hits wolves hard."

"Rejection? What on earth are you talking about?" Damn, I was a good actress.

"Well he's going to reject you, isn't he? I can only assume that's why he hasn't let you mark him."

Leaving that hanging, she smiled and walked out of the room while I started after her, imagining all the different places I could mark her.

My wolf was furious but I wasn't going to do it. I wasn't going to mark Alex just to prove a point. I wouldn't. I wasn't that stupid and petty.



Alex had come home and informed me that we would be having dinner together. Somehow, I'd assumed he'd meant 'me and him' together, not 'me, him, and Selene" together.

So now, we sat in awkward silence, shovelling the food in our mouths and avoiding eye contact. Alex had played the part of loving mate perfectly, drawing my chair back when I had wanted to sit, dishing my food for me, and cutting up my meat for me. And I had played the adoring, wide-eyed mate, gushing and blushing.

We worked well together, I had to admit.

"How was your day, Allie?" Selene asks, smiling at him.

"It was okay,"

"I hope you're not working yourself too hard. You shouldn't, you know?" she placed her hand on his upper arm and he immediately stiffened and looked at me.

Gently moving out of her reach, he replied, "Not at all. Besides, Anaya knows how to get me relaxed."

Selene rolled her eyes but Alex didn't catch it. I'd noticed that she was perfectly nice, and sweet in front of him. I don't know if Alex was actually buying it though. I hoped he wasn't.

After dinner, Alex and I walked upstairs together, leaving Selene to go to her room.

"Have you thought about the marking?" he asked when we got in front of my room.

I scoffed, "Why do you keep asking? My answer is no, Alex, I'm am not going to mark you!"

He raised his hands, "Fine. What about what you want in return? Have you decided?"

I opened my mouth to tell him about needing his help to find my brother but suddenly, he pushed me back into my closed door and pressed his body against mine. His face was close to mine, his warm breath fanning my upper lip.

I froze, my lips parting involuntarily. Was he going to kiss me?

Then I heard Selene's voice and I realised this was only part of our acting.

"Allie, there's no shampoo in my bathroom, could you please ask one of the maids to bring me one?" she asked, apparently not bothered by the position she'd caught us in.

"Yeah, come on," Alex pulled away from me and went downstairs ahead of Selene who smirked at me before following him.
I stayed leaning on the door for a while longer, trying to get my breathing back under control.

Maybe acting wasn't going to be as easy as I had thought.

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