6. gods and monsters

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𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐤𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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chapter six

Zahra's breathing is still heavy as she watches over his form finally noticing something lying on his chest. The scarab. She stands to pick it up and wobbles on unsteady feet. "Zahra!" Someone shouts from behind her. She turns to see Layla running at her, pulling her into a desperate hug. "I thought I lost you." Zahra inhales the familiar smell of her friend, she pulls away to get a proper look at her. "We need to finish this. Where's Harrow?" Layla shudders at the mention of his name. "He took Ammit." Zahra turns back to Marc's body. "The scarab." She whispers, moving towards it again. She reaches down, a tight pain in her chest at the sight of the lifeless Marc. "I love you." She whispers, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek, while simultaneously picking up the scarab. 

She opens it and watches as it buzzes to life, pointing towards Harrow. "He'll pay." Layla reassures Zahra, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I know." She mumbles, holding the scarab tightly, sparing one last look at Marc. "After you." She gestures to the cave wall, wiping the last stray tear from her eye. "I'll tell you where to go."

When the two women made it safely out of the tomb they were quick to find Harrow's cars, waiting to load everyone in. The duo easily blend in, slipping scarves around their faces and sliding into the back of one of the cars. No words were exchanged between the members of the group in the back, Zahra wasn't complaining. The car slows along the gravel road and eventually comes to a stop at a road block. Zahra leans over, watching as Harrow climbs out the car and begins speaking with one of the soldiers. Zahra listens closely, trying to pick up any sound but all she catches is. "You need to show us your soul." 

Harrow smacks his spear to the ground, sending purple wisps among the soldiers, sucking them of life. Everyone except one soldier drops to the floor and Zahra watches in fear as Harrow steps up to the man, discarding his weapon. "Move the bodies out of the way. Let's go! Clear a path!" A women shouts, stepping out the van with a few more people, the back of the truck their in begins to unload and Layla and Zahra follow with them. Zahra takes the lead and Layla follows a knife unsheathed  in her hand. "Don't do it. Wait." Zahra stops walking, recognising the voice. "I am the Goddess Taweret." Zahra looks down to the source of the sound and finds a lifeless soldier speaking. "Zahra, it's Marc who's telling you to stop." Zahra pulls Layla back as she attempts to pass her. "What the hell is this?" "She's telling the truth." She tells Layla. The soldier hesitates and collapses once more. 

Layla moves forward but Zahra steps closer to the dead soldier. "Taweret?" "Listen, Harrow is too powerful for you to stop him alone. If Marc... If he can return to life..." "What do you mean, "return to life"?" Zahra urges. "He is going to need Khonshu. Break his ushabti. It's in the Chamber of the Gods." Taweret tells the two. "And you can be my Avatar, Layla!" Layla stops and finally acknowledges the god. "What about me?" Zahra shoots back. "Sekhmet has already called dibs on you." Zahra's eyebrows raised. "Who?" The dead body begins to laugh. "Sun goddess. You'll meet her soon." Layla grabs Zahra's hand. "No, we don't need gods. We'll fight him on our own." Zahra looks over as the body falls limp again. "Layla. Think about it." "No!" She whispers back. "You've seen what Khonshu did to Marc." "Not all of them are the same." Layla shakes her head. "We have to go." She pulls Zahra back to the truck as they begin moving again, pulling the mask further up her face. 

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