The Valentine's Day Dinner

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"You're making me dinner? Are you sure you don't want to go out?" said Remus for the fourth time that evening. It was 14th of February, Valentine's Day. They had given each other presents that morning. Sirius insisted that as Remus had surprised him with breakfast in bed, he was going to make them dinner.

Remus was just a tad bit worried for their kitchen, as he had experienced James's cooking disaster once. He had thought that as both the boys were somewhat similar, Sirius didn't know how to cook and was going to wreck their kitchen.

So here they were, standing in the kitchen with Remus pestering Sirius, and Sirius telling him that he wanted to do something special for him tonight. Remus gave up his effort on convincing Sirius of going out and walked to the living room, as Sirius had told him to wait there 'cause it was going to be a surprise.

So there he was sitting on the sofa reading a book, wearing a very cute red jumper gifted to him by Sirius that morning, waiting for Sirius to call him. He was happy that he had not yet heard anything breaking or had not seen smoke coming out of the kitchen.

After about an hour and a half, Sirius came into the living room and said with a very nervous and excited look on his face "Moony! The dinner is ready!" The both of them made their way to the kitchen where the dining table was placed. When Remus entered the room, he was speechless. Sirius had set a vase on the table with a single flower and had also lighted some candles. The candles spread the room with a very pleasant smell of roses. "Pads I- oh my god I- this is beautiful Pads. Thank you. " He said smiling so wide that Sirius thought his face would split in half. He couldn't help but smile back at him just as brightly.

They made their way to the table and sat on the chair. He had made a French dish called Chicken Confit. He anxiously waited for Remus to try the dish. As soon as Remus took the first bite, he was astounded. "Mmmmmmm" was the first thing he said. Sirius chuckled and asked "I take it you liked it? " "Liked it? I loved it! This is heavenly. You never told me you could cook! " "I didn't until recently. I asked Andy to teach me during the weekend. " "Awww! Thank you Siri! I love you." Said Remus looking at Sirius so lovingly and fondly that made Sirius very flustered. "I love you too. Now let's start eating before it gets cold and there's still dessert left. "

They began eating and feeding each other while giggling and talking about anything and everything. After they had eaten the dessert, they decided to watch a movie and sat cuddled on their bed. "Thank you for tonight Siri. " said Remus after kissing him good night. "Thank you to you too Moons." Said Sirius smiling brightly. And that night Sirius Black and Remus Lupin slept with a smile on their face, cuddling each other.

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