Chapter 3: Machoke and Machop

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Been a couple weeks since that happened and the machokes like to visit Ingo and sneasler, sneasler is a bit weary since she's not used to Pokémon at her den

Ingo huffed softly by the fire, it felt pretty good in this cold weather, why was he so used to warm weather? Where was he before this? But he had to say, having other Pokémon around was comforting, did he have Pokémon before this?

To say, the times where Machoke where over and had ingos leg, it's felt wrong it's place ment, she had humans legs before, and this felt wrong, yes there was a stick, but it just didn't- feel ok, you know? If your wondering she usually helps out humans if they can't get somewhere themselves, on shoulders and stuff, and wanting to have a good grip on things, idk just his leg didn't feel like it should- you know? Even if you don't, she can tell the difference. (If you want more info, this girl right here helps putting bones back into place, she hasn't done it in a while but it's familiar to her)

Ok ok I'm coming" Ingo said as he kinda hopped on one foot and followed the machops pulling him along, sneasler was out of the den off getting more food for Ingo, more meaty this time around- so the machoke was watching them this time around, although she's thought about it, but she knew if Ingo dared be hurt, probably have her head, but at the same time it was nagging at her, just watching his leg, no no- stop thinking about it! Just- try and focus on the kids and adult here, right, her kids wanted to show Ingo their new moves they where learning.

The oldest of the three went first as usual, aiming at a rock and used brick break, hurting themselves in the process since he didn't do it correctly, but Ingo still praised him" bravo! Learning new moves can be difficult, but more practice is the key to unlock your door!" He said.

The middle child went next, she wanted to show him how much better she's gotten at a fire type move. Focusing her energy, before focusing it into a stream of fire! It didn't last long, but it was a start!" Bravo! You have gotten much better!" Ingo clapped," soon enough you'll have learned that move to the end of the tunnel and back!" He said, she didn't know what that meant but it felt good! He didn't know what that meant either, it just- came naturally again!

Finally the youngest- they didn't learn any cool moves like the older, but it knows sucker punch! Before using it on the oldest and knocking him off his feet, and then a fight started between the two." Hey now!" Ingo tried to split the to, before slipping on a patch of Icy snow and fell on the two" My apologies" he said and lifted himself up, ok, this is where machoke came in and lifted Ingo off them, the middle child scoffing at the older and younger child.

She couldn't do it, had him in her hands now, she had to do it!! She had to do it! SHE HAD TO! It was practically calling out for her to fix!! No! Yes! no! Yes! No! Yes! YES!!!

Thank you machoke can you set-" before he said anything he was rather pinned to the ground quiet harshly by her, before feeling pain shoot through his leg before


A weak snap of the leg where it had broken, holy tucking god!

She was right, it wasn't even placed back correctly, she feels bad for doing it, but this is for the better! She snapped his bones back into place with ingo giving a small shout of pain, she felt better and not paranoid, but yeah she felt- really really bad since she did it without asking first.

She had gotten off him" oh god- oh arceus lady sneasler is going to kill me!" She said to herself, sneasler was going to have her head and meat for this! She just knew it! She didn't even pay attention when Ingo got smaller since she was in panic mode now.

Ingo struggled with himself, but it didn't work as his body got smaller, the unexpected pain really got to him- the middle child and oldest machop looked at ingo" ah! Tiny human!" They said," wait no- this is- oh boy-" the middle child said," he turned tiny" the oldest said. Ingo looked at the two, small, but now small enough to have the machops to his stomach and chest area, if he was standing, now he was at the same height as them." Um- this isn't what it looks like?" He tilted his head, but yeah there was no escaping the machops looking him up and down questioning how he got so small, while that happened he just fixed his bandages tighter around his leg, before he felt the young ones poke him, not hard, gently, questioning if what they where seeing was real.

Let's go ingo!(pat the subway boss-)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora