Chapter 1: Sneasler

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Let's hit it off with lady sneasler! She's gonna find out anyway man, so let's start off with her.
So idea for this chapter, just a start off with them getting along and healing ingo up.
I'm also making Pokémon speech italic.

Ingo slept pretty good, despite the scratchy nest he laid in, and hard surface. Sneasler was actually curled around him, keeping him warm since she knew humans didn't have fur to keep them warm like her.

She woke up first and went outside into the fresh laid snow and went around, getting sticks and Berry's and getting it to the den..... two frozen Berry's, she tried to think of what was close by, and remembered Melli! She could get some of his stuff, although she didn't get along with him, she did with electrode, she could plan something with him to get stuff, they where good friends. She looked back at ingo before setting off to the arena where electrode was.


Sneasler was walking to the arena, after getting down and finding the path here took a minute more then she wanted to admit- look fresh snow is hard to go through and navigate, she's been here for a long time yes, but so have certain things, like trees- when snows she used the trees to navigate, but other Pokémon and humans have took some of the trees for resources, so it was harder, but she made it and found her way again. Now climbing up to the pathway she's made a long time ago, still holding up, no snow inside, pretty warm, but very small, snug for big Pokémon, kind like her, but either way, she snuggled through and pushed the Boulder out of the way, that rock placed their for reasons like this, so Melli couldn't cover it up with something else that can't get her in. She started making small chirping sounds to alert her friend" electrode~" she said, slowly going around and looking for her friend, or maybe even Melli's stuff, not sure of what she'll find first. Let's see, melli's set up should be around- ok no, he's changed locations since the last time she 'burrowed' from him, ok now where was electrode- speak of the devil Pokémon!" Electrode!" She said," sneasler! Long time no see!" He rolled up and bumped into her as a greeting," yes it has been! I would like to talk for longer, but I need to ask something of you, where is your wardens stuff?", " huh? Why do you need his stuff?", " well it is a long story, well, maybe not, either way, a human fell from the mountain last night, and I don't have the right stuff to help him", " ah geez, you always did like to help humans when injured", as they walked/rolled sneasler spoke again," yes, can I say something? Last night to, I kept having this voice yell at me, but I didn't understand what it was telling me, it was like an echo lost in translation, and when I returned with the human, it stopped, maybe it's just me but, you think he has something to do with it?", " well- it's very hard to say, but do you think it could be-?", " no it can't be, either one your talking about, the other is, dead, and why would the other even talk to us now after giving us the tile as noble", " you never know sneasler, ok to get off the that, mellis around the corner, I'll make a distraction while you get to his stuff" he rolled off as she nodded and waited for the que.


Ingo felt cold again, but not the numbing cold, he opened his eyes slowly, dark, that's right, he was in sneaslers den if he can remember right. He shifted and felt something on his back, he shifted out of the way and sat up to look, two Berry's and sticks, he tilted his head, he didn't know what she was doing- wait where was sneasler??? Tell him he's not alone right? No, just not here temporally! Right? No it didn't make since, why leave him with this with no explanation?? Ok- ok- he's fine, everything's fine, she just left to get stuff, he told Himself, but the other half got the better of him, shifting him to a child, he sighed, why did he want to have something or someone with him all the time? His right side felt empty, like, something was supposed to be their? What happened before he fell? Even as he tried to remember, he couldn't, mind getting a lot of fuzz over his memories, he couldn't remember before then. Well, not to let the Berry's go to waste by defrosting and getting mushy, and popped one in and laid back down, and curled into his jacket, biting on the berry here and there till the center broke and gulped it down, he was still in pain, but the cold helped numb the pain away, he wasn't used to this amount of cold, why? He was so used to warmer to hot climates and then this, why was he used to warm climates? Where was her before this?? He needed to stop asking questions. He went back to adult, finally, it was calming now, popping the other berry in his mouth and relaxed.

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