Chapter 2: Sneasler 2

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The next sneasler chapter, ok, gonna add more to this, I'm letting ingo be a child for this first part, but adding in where he meets a machoke and, gliscor? The unevolved version tho, I like to think he met his Pokémon like this, and they grew to like him

Ingo huffed and squirmed in sneaslers hold, sneasler was cleaning him, dirty kit, it came from her naturally cuz she's dealt with many of her own. Of course wasn't much he could do about it other then let her do it, so he gave up and let her continue, she cleaned off some dirt he got on him and some blood she missed from the other day, until she got to a certain spot on his head of which he hissed softly, she tilted her head and messed with his hair gently, a wound! Ah carp, she gently licked it clean, what could she use on this? Digging through the stuff she had, she pulled out a bandage and this type of tape stuff, but wasn't sticky as tape and started wrapping his head, she hoped it didn't get infected from this wait. Possibly the reason she found out now is cuz ingo wore that hat, when she declared him clean she set him down back on the nest, so small, now clean and cute. Ingo huffed and put his hat back on it place upon his head, trying to get his jacket back on. Which sneasler watched, a little amused by this tiny human, well big human? She wasn't sure how this worked so she asked" snea sne sneasler sne sneas" she said, pointing at him, Ingo looked up at her" what?" He tilted his head, ok, how to gesture this, she pointed at him and gestures how small he was, pointed back at him and put her claws further apart to show growth or something big. It took him a minute to understand" oh! Your wondering about my size change yes?" He asked, she nodded" snea"

Ok, well- it's kinda hard to explain, but for a quicker version of it, so I don't ramble on, so, the way it works is how stressed I am, if I feel great anxiety, fear, pain and discomfort strongly... how do I remember this?" He asked himself, but sneasler nodded at his explanation, and pat his head before he went back to adult form, dang, he looked cute tiny, but eh, this was good to. She pointed at him and chirped" huh?" Ingo looked at her, she thought about it for a moment, what was she trying to tell him? Hm, even she didn't know, just felt like pointing she guessed, maybe it was weird how he didn't feel afraid of her now, ah! That's it, she gestured to herself and then to him, he looked at her confused. Ok how to gesture this, she pointed at him and then herself and put her claws up and growled, then pointed back to him, still confused. She gestured to him, gestured to her being scary and pointed back to him and shrank him with her claws, not literally. He tried connecting the dots," something about being afraid?", she nodded and pointed to herself," how am I not afraid of you?" He asked, she nodded." Why would I be?" He asked" when we first met yes I was scared, but you made yourself less scary for me, and a Pokémon that does so isn't that scary to me", he explained to her, she nodded at his explanation." Pardon but do you think I can go outside?" Ingo asked," snea?" Sneasler tilted her head," yes I want to go and look at where I am", sneasler just shook her head, gesturing it was too cold outside for him," I'll surely be fine!" He lifted himself with his good arm and off the ground with his good leg, sneasler perked up as she watched him go and get one of the extra branches, and tried to get outside" sneas!" She got up and pulled him back," ah! Sneasler I don't mean to be mean but I want to see outside!" Ingo said.

After a while of negotiation with sneasler, she let him got out with one condition, she was holding onto him, which, he guessed he can't blame her, bad leg and arm, not completely defenseless but more so to worry about. So sneasler walked outside with Ingo in her arm, having hold of him like he was nothing, ingo squirmed to get a better view, so sneasler shifted her hold so she had him in her claws, he didn't realize how much taller sneasler was until his feet where off the ground, and he feels like he's seen this position before-(you know you hold a cat and has its arms in front, that's Ingo), he shifted his arms down and looked around, white, lot of white, grey from rocks and a little green from the snow covered trees, although there where foot prints of other Pokémon and he assumed sneasler to, he thought for a moment. Sneasler wasn't paying much attention before she flicked her ear and looked around, hm... what could be up here? Of all places? Well she can't go look while holding Ingo, but the sound made her curious." Sneasler! Can you put me down gently?" Ingo asked, sneasler huffed, and walked over and cleaned off a surface for him and sat his butt down and gestured for him to stay, he was confused but huffed softly as he nodded. Sneasler went off and climbed up the rocks, hearing Ingo clap, she looked back" bravo! Excellent climbing, you must have been doing this for a long time yes?", " snea" she mumbled and went up to the next ledge and looked around for the sound.

Let's go ingo!(pat the subway boss-)Where stories live. Discover now