The bridge stayed silent with the three main leaders deep in thought while the rest of us, who were on the verge of being deployed onto the warzone, just stood there doing our usual things with the thought of possibly fighting a nation swirling around our heads. Firewatch and Arborist were sitting in a corner maintaining their equipment. Penguin Logistics stood around each other looking up to the leaders, then began muttering among themselves. Blaze had her hands over Rosemontis and gently pat her head to comfort the adorable cat. Vierren, Hope and Deevy soon joined PL in their talk.

All while I was standing there with words that I couldn't comprehend whispering into my ears. It originally started out as just a whimper of sounds, being drowned out by the tapping of equipment on the bridge. The sound has been gradually getting worse. Although still small, it's been muttering things such as 'Worthless' or 'Liar'. I didn't know what the voice was talking about at all. Nor does it pose any threat to me at the moment. It's just an annoying sound but it's taking a toll on my focus.

The landship shook all its inhabitants around as the lights turned from blue to a flashing red. The shock caused the interiors to rumble around.

"Landship has been hit!" One of the central control staff shouted out. "We aren't getting any data from half of our hull side panels. The others have their pressure skyrocketed to 80%! Heat sources detected around the hull breach!"

One of the navigators dropped his cup of tea, shattering the cup into many white pieces. He stood up with his hands glued to the monitor. 

"Pavel? What's the reason for the sudden shock?" The other navigators asked the shocked Pavel.

"I'm... I'm detecting multiple landship signals... One, two... No... three! Their attitude is... above 2500 meters!"

All of the standing operators, as well as the three leaders, looked out to the window.

The menacing floating pieces of metal and scrap, alongside the millions of turrets, cut through the dense clouds revealing its massive prototype model to the humans down below

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The menacing floating pieces of metal and scrap, alongside the millions of turrets, cut through the dense clouds revealing its massive prototype model to the humans down below. Tons of fighter jets followed suit with the experimental warships, bursting out into the blue sky. Ursus' ground forces made their way through the grassy hills with their airforce supporting this.

Most of us were taken by surprise. I froze up in place looking at the approaching warships that were going to rip us into shreds if we didn't do anything. Addon to the fact that I've had dreams about this before and...

What comes next isn't beautiful.

While most of us had already moved on from the shock, I still had my eyes widened. My vision started to be invaded by little pieces of darkness as I held my hands over my head. Texas caught me by my shoulder as the others waited for the next orders.

"Holding up?"

To be honest, I couldn't tell her the reason behind this. As much as I want to deny the visions I had, the situation we're in seems too similar. If this keeps up then someone is going to die. I don't know who, I don't know when, but I know that it's going to be in this fight.

We all waited for the Doctor's final choice.

"Mobilize every Rhodes Island operator we have available." / "We go, now." / "Let's get to business."

The Doctor followed up with another sentence, "I'll oversee this battle myself. Operator by operator." Their confidence spilt through their words. "Move the landship to a position where the warships cannot reach us. Preferably with mountain cover. All of you on this bridge, move out and I'll start handing out orders."

Our commander straightened their back and announced to everyone onto the bridge.

"Protect the landship and come back alive."

"Easier said than done!" Vierren rushed off to exit the landship with the others preparing their weapons for combat. Blaze revved up her chainsaw in preparation to cut some Ursus flesh and metal, Exusiai loaded in originium bullets to deal with standard infantry, Croissant dusted off her shield and all of them went off with the poison offensive powerhouse. I was still standing there like an idiot.

Arborist came to my side with his grass cape and khaki jacket underneath, "You sure you feeling well?"

"I... I don't know." I responded with massive amounts of hesitancy. Arborist was no stranger to decrypting someone's emotions. If he could crack how Firewatch's emotions and thoughts work and then go along to befriend her, then there was no doubt he could guess what I was hesitating about. His emerald eyes stared into my soul, then my own eyes.

Placing his hands on my shoulders, he spoke out. "Take the gloves off if you want to save those you love. I know it goes against every bit of your morals, but if you want to protect that Sarkaz girl and all of your friends, you're going to have to use it."

"...I understand."

The two of us rushed downstairs to the exit of the landship with a sword and binoculars in hand. We made sure that our earpieces were working fine before we went on. 


Everything runs on originium. If an airship/landship were to be destroyed in a battle then not only would that place be rendered inaccessible to everyone due to the originium crystals present, it would most likely cause a massive ass explosion killing nearly everything on the battlefield.

Now of course this is risky as no country in their mind would nuke their own place to prevent enemy invasions unless you're Belka.

This is the draft for the introduction of warships (landships with a shit ton of guns and airships), the current state of war, Rhodes Island interference and a ton of boss fights if you want to call them boss fights.

The pieces of darkness are what you experience if you wake up from a flat surface really fast. I've experienced this a ton of times now and it isn't pleasant.

I'll release the fight scenes tomorrow or next week. 

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