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~not proofread~

Jisung practically ran out of his last class of the day. Yes, he had just seen Minho a few hours ago but this was the first time they were going to be hanging out outside of a classroom. And Saturday was going to be the first day they hang out outside of school.

He nearly slipped as he ran into the dance studio where half of the people in the class were still grabbing their stuff or drinking some water before they left.

The teacher rushed passed Jisung as he seemed to have to go somewhere important and he looked around for Minho but jumped slightly when he felt someone pull him in for a hug.

"Hi, Jisung!" He heard a familiar deep voice say. They still weren't exactly close but considering that hugs were both of their immediate greetings, they seemed like they were.

"Hey, Felix," Jisung replied, hugging him back and showing a small smile.

"What are you doing here?" He heard Hyunjin ask as he also approached the two.

"I came to watch Minho practice," Jisung said rather quietly as Felix let go and he finally managed to spot Minho sitting against the mirror, scrolling through his phone.

Minho looked up and gave him a small wave as Jisung did the same, smiling and quickly signing "1 minute."

"Did you get a boyfriend?" Felix questioned, looking over at the boy who never said a word in that class so he was confused as to why Jisung was suddenly coming to hang out with him.

"I don't think his standards are that low." Hyunjin scoffed and Jisung looked at him with a loss of words.

"I think he's pretty, he's also one of the most skilled people in this class. A cute talented person dating another cute talented person." Felix replied, pinching the side of Jisung's face.

"There's nothing wrong with him look wise but he's a weirdo. I don't understand why you're wasting so much time with someone so pointless." Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

"I don't understand why you have such an issue with me making a new friend," Jisung said quietly.

"You're obsessed with him and it doesn't make any sense."

"Hyunjin," Felix said with an awkward laugh, "you should shut up."

"Jisung would love that, wouldn't he?"

"Okay...it was nice seeing you again Sungie!" Felix said before pulling Hyunjin away with him, glaring at him in the process.

Luckily none of it was said loud enough for Minho to hear but Hyunjin also most likely wasn't the only one who made comments like that.

Jisung pushed it aside for now and walked over to Minho, sitting down in front of him rather than beside them so they could sign to each other.

"Hi," Minho signed, closing his water and putting it to the side. He still looked adorable with his oversized hoodie and sweatpants, simple but still cute.

"Hello, how was dance?"

"It was fun. We are learning my house by 2 pm since some people are in their first year in the class. Usually, it's always one of the first choreographies we learn."

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