Chapter 9: Rating Game Pt. 2

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" ":Talking
' ':Thoughts
No pov:

Now the gym gone, Rias thinks that the odds are now on their favor and have beaten atleast 4 of Y/n's servants, but to all of their surprise, no announcement was made.

Akeno:"Oh? I didn't knock out anyone out? What shame..." She said with a smile. "Well, might as well proceed with the plan." She said to herself as well as her teammates through their transcievers.

Meanwhile, Inside of the new schoolhouse, Y/n can be seen sitting down on the principal's chair, inspecting everything from a hologram given to him by Yubelluna to examined the fighting field.

Y/n:"Everything is falling in place and with Akeno now mostly drained of her magic prowess, she'll be unable to use a spell that large. Now, all that's left is Kiba and the ambush can start." He said to himself as he inspects the battle.


In the forest, metal hitting each other can be heard as Karlamine was having a sword duel with Yuuto Kiba, while also blocking Mihae to cancell out the Illusion magic and traps that surrounds them.

Karlamine:'*Huff**Huff* At this rate...I'll tire myself out before him...I need to think something. Quick!' She said in her head as she took anothee fighting stance.

Then like the others, Kiba charges again at Mihae, but this time, Shards fired at Mihae before Kiba moved, making Karlamine block the shards. After stopping all of the shards from hitting Mihae, she turns around and tries to get between Kiba and Mihae, but becauase she was now exhausted, her legs suddenly gave out as she falls to thr ground.

Karlamine:"Mihae!" She yelled for her teammates name as she closes her eyes in fear of seein her teammate get hit.

As she expected a scream from her teammate, it was suddenly replaced by the sound of two metal sword's colliding with each other.


Karlamine then opens her eyes to see Siris has managed to push Yuuto Kiba away fro Mihae.

Karlamine:"Siris! Your here!" She said in a happy tone.

Siris:"Go back to the base, Karlamine. You remember what Riser-sama said, right?" She asked her teammate as Karlamine nodded.

Karlamine then stood up using her own sword as he crutch and started walking back to the base. Meanwhile, Siris was now contacting Y/n through her transciever.

Siris:"Riser-sama, Karlamine is now currently retreating, I request someone to pick her up on her way." She requested of Y/n as he nods.

Y/n:"Very well, well done, Siris." He praised her as he ends the call.

Siris:"Now, I supposed I'm here to finish my teammates job." She said to Kiba as she get's in a fight stance. "But this time, it's going to be fair." She said to the boy as she get's confused.

Then all of a sudden, a magic circle appeares from Mihae's hand and then she spreads her arms apart as a red sphere spreads throughout the forest. As soon as the sphere surrounded the entire forest and disappeared, all of the trap and Illusion spells got destroyed, shocking Kiba and making get on-guard.

Mihae:"Done, I suppose you don't want me to interfere with your fight with the knight?" She asked Siris as the latter nods. "Well, I'll stay here and watch I guess. I do want to see how much my fellow servant has improved." She said as she moves away from them to a fair distance to watch.

Siris:"Now, let's a have a fair match, Gremory knight!" She yelled as she dashes towards Kiba

She then started doing multiple slashes towards Kiba in blinding speeds, forcing the latter to go into the defensive and unable to counterattack because of the agressive and fast barrages of slashes.

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