Chapter Fourteen

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A few minutes later, Myrtle and Miles were walking back down the library steps to his car.

Miles pulled carefully out of the parking spot. "I'm not sure we really learned anything new, did we?"

"We learned there are good World War II novels out there as long as you're willing to read something that might occasionally be gritty," said Myrtle.

"Aside from that, though? I guess we had more confirmation about Lillian and Tallulah's disagreement."

Myrtle said, "And don't forget, some more insight into Martin's background and character. I wanted to know more about what makes Martin, Martin."

"And you succeeded in that?" asked Miles in a dubious voice.

"I think so. I think he's a lot smarter than we realize. After all, he's been a reader most of his life. It might suit him to play the good old boy when he's trying to sell insurance, but I have to wonder if he's just pulling the wool over our eyes altogether," said Myrtle.

Miles gave Myrtle a sidelong glance. "I'm hoping you're feeling like a break. It's been a very long day already, considering we were up early. I was thinking about going home. I could read my new book."

Myrtle said, "That's fine, only because I need to write up my coverage of Lillian's funeral and reception for the paper. Perhaps I should check in with Wanda, too, and see if she has any other information for me."

Miles pulled into Myrtle's driveway and stopped the car. "How do you plan on doing that? You pretty much have to drive to check in with her. And she doesn't have a phone."

"She does have a phone. The phone Sloan gave her."

Miles said, "But she hardly even charges it because Crazy Dan doesn't pay the electric bill."

"Maybe I'll be lucky this time. After all, you slipped her some money. Maybe she paid her bill."

Miles looked pleased. "So that's it for today? We'll go our separate ways and meet up tomorrow morning? Hopefully not at 3 a.m.?"

Myrtle said, "No, let's go out for supper. I want to hash things out some more and I do better when talking it through with my loyal sidekick than with Pasha."

Myrtle's loyal sidekick made a face. "Can we at least make it something of an early night?"

"If you'd like to. Although I must say I think it's counterproductive to do so, considering how early you end up getting up." Myrtle opened her door and grabbed her cane. "Just call me later when you're ready to head out."

Myrtle wrote her story of the funeral quickly, carefully putting in all the details. She emailed the article to Sloan and called Wanda on the phone.

The phone rang several times, which Myrtle thought was a promising sign. Surely, the phone wouldn't ring if it wasn't charged. She smiled as she heard a gritty voice and then frowned again. It appeared to be Wanda's voice mail.

"Ain't here. Leave message," it gruffly instructed.

At the tone, Myrtle said, "Wanda, it's Myrtle. Please call when you get this message. I'd like to check in with you." She hung up and scowled at her phone. When it instantly started ringing, she jumped.

"Wanda?" she asked.

There was a pause and then a chuckle. "I didn't realize Wanda chatted on the phone."

Myrtle smiled as she heard her daughter-in-law's voice. Her smile grew when she heard Jack's in the background, making truck noises. "How is the smartest, best little boy in the world today?"

Hushed Up--Myrtle Clover Mystery #15Where stories live. Discover now