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| Princess Mira of The Fire Nation |




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'Fire is the element of power. The people of the Fire Nation have desire and will, and the energy and drive to achieve what they want'


PRINCESS MIRA OF THE FIRE NATION never knew her own worth.

Her entire childhood was battling with her siblings for the prize of her fathers love—not knowing that he would never truly love them.

Mira, the middle child, always felt obligated to be the best. She couldn't show weakness, and she couldn't show hesitation. She was her own destruction.

And, after her cousins death and her mothers disappearance not long after, Mira slowly started to slip into the role her father always wanted her to take—blinded by rage and manipulated by the person she was supposed to trust.

Mira felt like her life was crumbling. Her family were not a family anymore, as her desire to be the best created a drift between her and her siblings. Her talents were shadowed by her naturally gifted sister, and she pushed away anyone who got close to her.

Her only redemption for her own self destruction was her desire and need to protect her siblings—but even that went up in flames.

When she failed to protect her brother and he was permanently injured by her father and sent away from their home, Mira found her chance and followed after him for a possibility to regain some control in her life—not thinking of the heartache it would cause her little sister.

After three long years of sailing on a boat and searching for someone Mira thought didn't exist, the time came for Mira to finally make a choice that would change her life forever.

There was no running from her problems now.


'Your always one decision away from a totally different life'




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Welcome to War of Hearts! I love ATLA and realised there are not many Sokka books out there so here I am making one!

This story has been in the drafts for over a year now 💀 I've just been slowly writing and coming up with more plot ideas LOL

This will follow the same timeline in the series but will also have my own chapters so I can develop Mira's character more! I'm also going to add backstory onto her family and her difficult relationships with her siblings and what not!

I will try to keep the same personalities that characters have in the series, but some dialogue I add may seem off character so I'm sorry if that happens, sometimes my mind skips stuff LOL

Please don't hate on my girl Mira!!! She's my baby and I'll cry.

Also updates for this story will be kinda random.

Hope you enjoy!



Mentions of abuse, swearing, blood, death, Sokka with his hair down, and other triggering things that could cause you to faint! You have been warned!!


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