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Its my first day of college ,seriously I don't have any interest to go to college cause I am very less a study person I always wanted to study art but my parents wanted me to become a doctor. So , after many years of struggle I took admission in a medical college so its my first day , I seriously have no energy nor I am excited but my parents were back of me so I should enter the room....
As of I eneterd the room the hall is filled with people , seriously no body is paying attention towards me everyone are busy talking with each other, I just went to a corner and sat  and texted my mom saying, "these people are so mean that they cant even excited for a new classmate they didn't even payed attention while I am entering ". I am an attention seeker , I always wanted everyone should look at me or come to me but honestly after spending few minutes in that class I lost interest in them , these people looked so boring .... I just started listening to music in my phone and somehow I just closed my eyes and started dreaming .... There was a hand , its was a man's hand it was catching my hand and stoped me from falling down ...I was about to see his face but .....ughh (sighs)
          A girl behind had woke me up and said the college hours was over it was the time to leave ...somehow I exchanged my number with that girl and I left the college and back to my hostel I was still thinking of my dream ....I am a kind of introvert , I don't get involved in people in so fast ...we got 3 consecutive holidays after my first day of college ...
     After during a Monday I was ready going to college and I sat beside the girl who gave me her number ,her name is sravae .we talked with each other for hours and then we got to know that it was our classmates birthday , so some of the boys bought the cakes and everyone started partying ... I was not interested but sravae pulled me in the crowd I was capturing the pictures and videos of everyone ....and I suddenly saw a guy still sitting away from the group ...I was like is he shy type or study type what's wrong with this guy .... I wanted to get to him and ask him but until then sravae said " he is suhin,my friend he just don't like crowds " after hearing this I just turned back and started enjoying the party again ...
        I went hostel , changed my clothes and was ready to go to the bed and suddenly a msg came from an unknown number........I was excited to open ...

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