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"I told you he'd be here. He always runs away here." 

"Ah, are you the online professor?" Xiao pointed at Kaeya. 

"Are you this one's new partners?" Kaeya pointed at the two. Like the meme. You know the one. 

"We've come to take back our boyfriend, thank you," Kazuha went over to Scaramouche sleeping with his head on the lab table. 

"I'll get his bag," Xiao picked it up and Kazuha lifted Scaramouche up high enough to lean him up against his shoulder. 

"He always gets like this when it has something to do with his mother. Those two don't get along well," Kazuha explained as the trio walked back to their apartment. Scaramouche opened his eyes slightly but nodded off again. "I'll have to call Miko to fix whatever happened." 

"Who's Miko?" Xiao asked. 

"Between you and me," Kazuha leaned forward to speak quietly, "I think Miko and Scaramouche's mother have some history." 

"She wants me to break up with you," Scaramouche lazily lifted his head. "She wants me to move out too. Said she was going to cut off my money..." Scaramouche fell sideways, plopping down on the grass and looking up at the sky. Kazuha and Xiao plopped down next to him. 

"Should we all get jobs?" Kazuha suggested. "We can help pay for everything together." 

"I'd feel too bad," Scaramouche rolled onto his side, hiding his face in his arm. Kazuha hugged him from the front and Xiao from the back. "Heh," he forced a laugh. "I'm starting to get this whole relationship thing. I didn't think it would be possible for me but having two people to hug is kind of nice." 

"We love you, Scara," Kazuha smiled. 

"Even if my mom is a bitch?" 

"Even if your entire family runs the black market," Xiao teased. 

"Even if I'm broke now?" 

"Welcome to the rest of society," Kazuha laughed. "How does it feel being a normal person?" 

"I feel like an idiot." 

"Don't worry, we forgive you for being dumb," Xiao said. 

"If I change my name, whose name should I take?" Scaramouche asked. 

"What if we come up with a new name to change all of our surnames to?" Kazuha suggested. "That could be very romantic." 

"I suppose it's my turn now, huh?" Scaramouche shifted to lie on his back. Kazuha and Xiao each took a shoulder to use as a pillow. He closed his eyes before reluctantly admitting: "I love you two, too." Both blushed in unison and then leaned in to kiss the cheek closest to them. 

"To our future then," Kazuha held up his hand toward the night sky. 

"To our future," Scaramouche held up his and grabbed Kazuha's. Xiao did the same. 

"With or without corporate's help," Xiao said, causing a roar of laughter between the trio. 

How do I tell my partners I love them? [ScaraKazuXiao]Where stories live. Discover now