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"You don't look like the type of guy that just got two boyfriends," Childe muttered, shoving a fry into his mouth. Scaramouche was tapping his foot hastily. He hadn't touched his burger and was staring daggers into the wall. 

"I don't feel like the type of guy that just got two boyfriends," he frowned. 

"Why not? They aren't lovey-dovey enough for you?" Childe shoved another fry into his mouth and shrugged. "I'd say two is better than one considering I've got none." 

"The only reason you don't have a boyfriend is that you're too focused on that teacher," Scaramouche pointed and then stole a fry.

"Why are you stealing mine?! You've got your own!" Childe took his fries to shield them from the evil Scaramouche but his hands were quick and he only stole more. 

"Because fries taste better when they're stolen!" 

"Sound logic," Kazuha swooped in and sat down next to Scaramouche, stealing his fries. 

"Mhm," Xiao sat on the other side of Scaramouche and stole his drink. 

"Hey!" Scaramouche huffed. "Go get your own." 

"Food tastes better when it's stolen," Childe mimicked Scaramouche's voice. 

"You can steal it back if you really want to," Kazuha nibbled on a fry. He left some of the fry dangling from his mouth, giggling to himself thinking Scaramouche for sure wouldn't take it back. 

Scaramouche held Kazuha's head in place and stole the french fry back by force, giving him a kiss in the process. Kazuha blushed, taken off guard. Xiao loudly sipped from the drink. 

"I told you two boyfriends was better than none," Childe shook his head, biting down on his burger. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," Scaramouche ignored his comment and picked up his burger. As he was about to bite down, Xiao and Kazuha both stole bites from opposite sides. "Am I not allowed to eat?!" 

"If you wanted to eat, you should've gotten my lunch too," Kazuha shrugged. 

"I didn't realize I was a personal bank for the two of you just because you've declared me your boyfriend," Scaramouche rolled his eyes. 

"You're the one with the most money though," Kazuha elbowed him. 

"Right," Scaramouche sighed, placing the burger down and shoving the dish away from himself. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," Kazuha apologized, realizing it might've reminded him about what his family did to his own. 

"I'm going to class now," Scaramouche grabbed his bag and ducked underneath the table so neither Xiao nor Kazuha had to move. "Enjoy the rest of the burger." 

"I need to apologize properly later..." Kazuha sighed. 

"There are so many things I don't know about your relationship," Xiao crossed his arms. 

"Are you feeling left out?" Kazuha scooted into the chair Scaramouche left vacant. "Want me to tell you some embarrassing stories about our childhood?" 

"Maybe," Xiao huffed, looking away. 

"Damn," Childe grabbed a napkin. "I really hate being single." 

How do I tell my partners I love them? [ScaraKazuXiao]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora