Chapter 22 - Cohabitation

Start from the beginning

    Seeing that Aster was eating deliciously, Guan Pei squeezed another cup of soy milk for himself. While waiting, he opened the circle of friends, thinking about brushing and brushing to relax.

    Unlike Qi Yiming, who has to take pictures and post on Moments when the toilet runs out of paper, Guan Pei has no habit of posting Moments, and WeChat is basically only used to talk about things and pass documents.

    In various social software, he will occasionally do business on Weibo. Because he was forced by Shao Ji, he mostly posts photos without matching words.

    And it's impossible to take a selfie. Seven of the ten basically are landscapes, and the remaining three are Aster's buttocks.

    Guan Pei's speed of viewing Moments is also calculated in light-years. Ultra-high-speed browsing is basically just reading pictures without reading words. He swiped his fingers neatly on the screen, and decided to browse all the content of today and yesterday's circle of friends before the soy milk was finished.

    The hand-in-hand photo of a college roommate and his girlfriend is not what it used to be in the past.

    Official promotion of spades.

    The video of the moonlight by the river recorded by Shao Jiye.
An emoji of Jenny Turtle crying.

    The picture of the cracked toilet seat in Qi Yiming's house.

    and many more. Guan Pei's hand paused slightly.

    He swiped his finger up again and returned to the very eye-catching, jenny turtle emoji.

    Only then did he find out that it was a circle of friends from Li Naiyoufa, with the caption: "sad...the house is flooded, the new house is so small and unfamiliar...qaq"

    This familiar and classic Chinese-English string of flavors can only come from Li It's a child's hand, and this person is accompanied by an emoticon package of Jenny's tears like a stream of tears and crying, with the words "I can't bear the fuck".

    Even through the screen, Guan Pei can think of what kind of expression Li Nai is now.

    And according to the details that this person disclosed about their home similar to "refrigerator not refrigerating", this time Li Naiyou said that his home could be flooded, which is not a very surprising thing to Guan Pei.

    Guan Pei stared at this dynamic and pondered for a while.

    However, before he had time to take any action, he watched helplessly at the bottom of this circle of friends, and a comment popped up simultaneously in real time, which was replied by Qi Yiming.

He very enthusiastically invited Li Naiyou to share the rent with himself: "It's too bad, too bad, is the newly rented house bad? Would you like to share a house with me, brother, my ex-roommate just went to another place to change jobs, just in xx Area, the room is huge, the     rent is absolutely reasonable, and there are free snacks for you every day!"

    Guan Pei: "...?"

Don't say anything, but don't know what else to say.

    Guan Pei suddenly felt a little irritable.

    What does it have to do with you. Guan Pei said to himself, people make their own decisions about their own lives? What do you care about him?

    Guan Pei doesn't claim to be a gossip person, but five minutes after he closed the phone, he still couldn't calm down for some reason. Finally, he couldn't hold back and reopened WeChat.

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