Chapter 13: Being Genins

Start from the beginning

He saw that he was alone when he got there so he ran some laps around the training ground, as well as did some push-ups and sit-ups. While he was doing said routine, he struck up a conversation with his tenant.

"Hey Kyuubi, you awake?" he mentally shouted. A loud sleepy growl echoed in the corridors of his mind.

"Shut up! Why do you have to be so loud so early in the morning? Someone's trying to sleep here you know." Kyuubi grouched. He noticed that the fox wasn't a morning person, or fox, but Naruto still did the same thing everyday just to aggravate him.

"Sorry about that Kyuubi. Just want to ask you something?" apologized Naruto though not sounding apologetic at all.

"You were going to ask me if you can up your weights right?" growled Kyuubi. Naruto got a mental image of the fox cleaning himself up using his tongue. Naruto shuddered at the image.

"How did you know?"

"Duh, I'm in your head dummy. You've been thinking about that for 3 days now so of course I know about it. And the answer to your question is no. I want you to maintain that weight for 2 more months so you won't be short for life." Naruto took offense at that.

"HEY! I'M NOT SHORT!" shouted Naruto, insulted at the thought of being told that he was short.

"STOP SHOUTING YOU IMBECILE!" growled Kyuubi in a menacing voice,

"Sorry." mumbled Naruto. "Still, I'm not short..."

Kyuubi just rolled his eyes at his container's sensitivity regarding his height. "Fine. But my order still stands. No increasing your weight for the next 2 months. Remind me again after then we will talk about it." With that, Kyuubi cut off the mental link with his container. Naruto grumbled about stingy foxes as he continued with his morning exercise.

After the last set, Naruto stood up and shook his body a bit to loosen up his muscles before he brought out Kazehime. He has been neglecting his prized sword in favor of practicing his 2-sword style with his Chakra Blades. Channeling a bit of chakra to his Tiger tattoo, the sword appeared in his hands with a small puff of smoke. He gripped the sword with his two hands and went into his Clan's Kenjutsu kata, flowing from one form to the other like water. Kazehime hummed in approval.

He decided to stop his Kenjutsu training after an hour and returned Kazehime back to his tattoo but he channeled a bit more chakra to it calling out his favorite training partners. A poof of smoke later, 3 medium-size tigers, similar to Kazetora's height, appeared in front of him.

The three tigers were Naruto's favorite training regimen. These three were known in their clan for their teamwork and Naruto used them to practice his dodging speed and reaction time. After all, who wouldn't want to dodge the sharp claws that these tigers have. Big paws equal big claws and the description alone is enough to give Naruto the incentive to dodge for his life.

Naruto greeted the 3 majestic summon in front of him. "Hi guys. Ready for some training?"

"Ready as always Naruto-sama." All three greeted back in perfect unison. Naruto mused that their speech also is part of their legendary teamwork.

Naruto rolled his eyes. Ever since he met these three, he's been trying hard to tell them to remove the 'sama' from their greeting but they wouldn't budge. He wouldn't give up though. "How many times have I told you guys not to do that?" said Naruto irritably.

One of the tigers, the lone female in the group, just cocked her head to the right and gave him an overly innocent look which looked really suspicious to Naruto. "Not to do what, Naruto-sama?" The other two tigers just gave him a fang-filled grin.

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