Chapter 4: Return of Namikaze

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Chaos. The Konoha Council was in total uproar. The Shinobi-side of the council was excited over the prospect of returning the Namikaze clan into Konoha. However, the Civilian Council were in total denial – not only was the Kyuubi brat in possession of practically one of the most powerful elemental bloodline to date but also the son of their hero the Yondaime Hokage, Namikaze Minato.

Both Sarutobi and Naruto were amused over their antics; they were expecting chaos but this takes the cake. Everyone was in total uproar. It was hilarious and both were dismayed of not bringing any camera with them to immortalize the faces of the entire council.

Sarutobi let the council go wild for a few more minutes. He and Naruto both discussed how things were supposed to go and this is part of their plan. Instead of lording over the council, it was decided to let them stew over the idea and let them arrive at their own conclusion.

The Shinobi Council eventually settled down but the excited smirk on their faces proved to be enlightening to both Naruto and the Hokage. Even the stoic Hiashi Hyuuga was showing a slight smirk, to the trained eye of course, that tells that he was happy with the news. It made Sarutobi a bit weary since Hiashi was known to be a schemer so he may have plans with the young Namikaze.

The Civilian Council, however, was discussing among themselves the absurdity of the idea regarding the demon brat being the Yondaime's son. Considering that they weren't that smart to begin with so the bare facts that the Shinobi Council already realized eluded them.

Sarutobi was brought out of his musings when the head of the Civilian Council shouted to get his attention. The offender was no other than the Haruno councilman.

"This is absurd, Hokage-sama. It is not possible for the boy to be Namikaze-sama's son." ranted the councilman.

"Oh? Really now councilman Haruno? Do you have any facts that prove otherwise?" inquired an amused Sarutobi.

"We all know for a fact that the Yondaime has never married. If it was then his son's parentage would have been known throughout the entire village."

The Hokage nodded. "That is true but that is the reason why ALL OF YOU don't know about his personal life."

"Explain yourself Hokage-Sama." said another Civilian council member.

"I DON'T have to explain myself to you but I will humor you just this once. Now, before we go into the legalities of the Namikaze-Uzumaki heir. Let me first ask you this. Do you think that Naruto-kun is the exact replica of the Fourth when he was young? Get rid of the whisker marks and the orange outfit then you will see what I'm talking about."

Everyone stared at Naruto which made him squirm in his seat. It wasn't always that he becomes the center of attention so he was unused to the feeling.

The Nara clan head spoke first. "You are correct. He does indeed look a lot like Minato when he was still young. I should know. He was quite close with the Ino-Shika-Cho (Inoichi-Shikaku-Chouza) group during our pre-Genin days." The rest of the Shinobi Council agreed at this.

"Also, his temper and attitude reminds me too much of Kushina-chan when she was young. She was quite a spitfire that girl. Not to mention the pranks she pulled." said Tsume Inuzuka, chuckling all the while as she remembered the young hothead.

"Indeed. Remember when she clobbered Jiraiya-sama when he was caught peeking at the Kunoichis." said a laughing Chouza. "He stayed in the hospital for a week after she was done with him."

Every Shinobi Council member chuckled at that. The Civilian Council just glared at them.

"That is not enough reason to believe that the de...boy is the son of the Yondaime." said one councilwoman.

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