Chapter 1: Awakened Eyes

Start from the beginning

The Hokage was astounded with Naruto's spirit. Despite being subjected to the villager's stupidity and constant beatings, he was still that little ball of energy with a smile on his face that he loved – someone that he considered to be his grandson.

"So Naruto, what are your plans in the future?" the Hokage asked while the boy was about to start on his sixth bowl.

Naruto paused his attack on the poor ramen bowl and thought for a bit. "Well, I want to gain the villager's respect. I'll do anything to make them love me." He declared with a fierce determination that reminded the Hokage of the 'Will of Fire' that the Shodaime and Nidaime preached during his apprenticeship.

"Well, my boy, how are you planning to do that?" The Hokage asked, amused over the boy's declaration.

"I'M GOING TO BECOME THE STRONGEST NINJA IN THE WORLD!" shouted Naruto which made the old man laugh in amusement.

"Ohhhhhh that is quite a claim my boy."

"I WILL BECOME THE BEST JIJI AND I'M GOING TO TAKE THAT HAT AWAY FROM YOU WHEN I DO!" The boy declared, his eyes burning with determination. The Hokage didn't doubt that the boy would deliver his promise in the future and he would be more than happy to give it to him when the time is right.

"Well, if you want to become a ninja then you need to be attend the Academy soon." He mused.

"Really? Great! I'm going to be a ninja!" the boy bounced on his seat, excited over the prospect of getting started on his dream.

"Relax Naruto. You're still too young to join the Academy, but you will soon. I promise you that." said the Hokage.

"Sure jiji." The boy quipped then suddenly gave him a foxy grin. "Hey jiji, can I try your hat on." giving him the puppy look. He really hated Naruto when he resorted to this deadly weapon of mass destruction. He coughed and looked away to avoid the temptation in giving into his demands.

"Oh no you don't Naruto. Finish your bowl of ramen so I can get you home for the night." Said the Hokage, laughing at Naruto's defeated face. This has been one of their favorite game, Naruto trying to coax the Kage hat away from him. They've been at this since Naruto was 3 years old.

Naruto just shrugged and backed down for now and attacked the innocent ramen bowl in front of him. He will get the hat soon enough and achieve his dream.


When he recalled the memory, determination gripped his entire being. He will NOT give up now. He will continue to live until he achieved his goal to become the strongest ninja in the world and take the hat away from the old man.

A sudden warmth seemed to flow from his stomach and seems to flow to every part of his body, washing away the aches and pains. He didn't notice that the various cuts and bruises healed, his entire body covered by a mysterious light. He felt the warmth spread over his body and onto his eyes then the world exploded in a world of colors, red, blue, green, brown, and white.

The villagers were scared; one moment they were beating the crap out of the demon brat and was about to shout for joy as one of their number deliver a decapitating swing to end the demon's life when something happened that shook them to the very core of their being.

The boy's body was suddenly covered by a multi-colored aura. The sword swing was stopped in its track by a sudden wall of wind that blew the items in the alley floor all over the place. The boy threw his right arm out, palm forward and a sudden wall of water appeared that pushed everyone back, including the one that was about to end his life.

Naruto God's Eyes by CorruptmonkWhere stories live. Discover now