The First Meet

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It was the time of summer when people not used to come out of their houses, but I was wandering on the streets, Maple Street. It would be weird if you found someone with no expression of irritation on his face while walking under the scorching heat. I could hear the birds chirping, crickets calling, tree swaying, which was soothing music to my ears.

But something caught my eyes. I saw a boy whom I had never seen before on Maple Street. I have known each person here since I have been in this place and for a long time now, but I had never seen him. He was tall, handsome, bronzed, and sun-kissed skin. It felt like God had perfectly moulded his eyes, nose and all other features. I couldn't stop myself from staring at him until I realized he was looking towards me. His facial features astonished me. He was too perfect to be real. I felt embarrassed as I was staring at him, but he smiled at me and nodded his head as a formality of saying hi. After gaining that sudden attention, a tint of pink appeared on my cheeks and I could also feel blood rushing through my cheeks, I was smiling like an idiot. Then I heard a deep, raspy voice, "Hey! Do you live in this area?" "a-ah y-yes" I mentally slapped myself for stuttering. "I'm new here and don't know anyone, umm.... Can you guide me to places around here? He asked with a bit of hesitation and I saw his eyes turning into puppy ones. 'I would love to,' I replied with the most loving smile I ever had. He smiled back with happiness and I had never had such a beautiful smile in my whole life.

I asked if he wanted to go to the park and he said yes. We went to the park and started talking about random things and about how he came from Miami because of his father's job and all. Talking with him made me lose my link with time, and it was already five. Out of nowhere He said, "you look beautiful" his sudden confession caught me off guard. I could do nothing but blush. Seeing my reaction he gave a shy chuckle, that's when a girl shouted "hey! David, mom's searching for you" He made gave a disappointed sigh and bid me goodbye. I turned back to return to my home but David shouted, "Emily! Hope to see you tomorrow too", I nodded my head, assuring him I would meet him tomorrow too.

I reached home. The first thing I did was I informed everything in detailed to my best friends about whatever happened today. It astonished them about how fast I changed my crushes, but I assured them that this time it was something different. There was something different about him. He was special. I started remembering those beautiful hours that I spent with him. That's when my mom caught me smiling like an idiot. She gave me a weird look and went away speaking nothing. I opened my laptop, ready to watch my favourite K-Drama. Yes, I was a K-Drama and K-Pop freak. I have been listening to BTS since I was in 8th grade and now; I am in 11th. We have 2 weeks left for school to reopen after the summer break and I still have two more Dramas to watch, but I knew I can watch even three in 2 weeks. My mom called me and my sister for dinner and we have pasta tonight, which was my little sis, Stephanie's favourite. We had our dinner with a few chit-chats, then my sister joined me to watch K-Drama with. I and my sister are in K-Drama and K-Pop since time memorable. It was the time when the lead was going to confess his feelings to his love, we started screaming and squealing "come on! Kiss her already, I just can't wait" my sister whined "yes bruh! say it man" I screamed. After an hour, the drama ended, and it was 11:30 already, so we went to our respective beds and enjoyed a great slumber.

The next day was a Sunday. We had pancakes for breakfast and then I and my sister headed out for a walk as it was not that hot. Then I heard someone calling my name. It was Bella, one of my best friends. She said, "I really wanna meet David right now. Where is he? Will he be coming out today? I just can't wait to meet him..." "he told me yesterday that he would come today. So, I guess yes, let's see," I replied to her. Since today the weather was wonderful, many people came to the park to stroll around and my sister found her friends, so she went away with them. Then I saw David coming inside the park. For a moment, I felt like the entire world had stopped. I wasn't able to hear anything. He was looking so gorgeous, indeed a Greek God. Bella shouted, "Emily, Emily, hey what happened? Are you OK?" "Oh yeah! Did you say something?" then she made her famous disgusting face. Then I informed her, "See, that's David, he's the one I was talking about yesterday and you have been eating my head about." I could see her eyes getting into a unique aura. His beauty flustered her; I knew she felt the same exactly the same as when I first saw him. "See, I told you he's different" she just nodded, unable to say anything. I also knew that she was thinking about Natasha right now, about how she would explain his beauty. "Hey, Emily, I'm glad to see you here again. I thought you wouldn't come," he said. I smiled at his words and said, "Why wouldn't I David. By the way, this is Bella, my bestie" "Oh hey Bella, it's nice to meet you. Hope we can get well together" he replied "I loved to meet you too" she said in a flirty way to which I gave her a death glare, she understood what I meant and she slightly nodded assuring that she is will not flirt with him and he only belongs to me. "I wish I could tell you how I like you," I thought, and chuckled at my own thoughts. Before I realize that they staring at me, Bella said, "Sometimes you should stop daydreaming dude" "Nah, I was just thinking of something important" I tried to defend myself and they made an 'O' face by believing me. Days past I, David and Bella became closer and indeed I would say David was a friendly guy. You must be wondering why Natasha was not with us all this time. She went to her grandparent's place for the summers, and this is common for almost every year. Now only one day left for the schools to reopen and we waited, as this time David would join us and we didn't know yet whether he would be in our class.

Today Natasha returned from her grandparents' place. How excited she was to meet us and, of course, David. We were busy watching Netflix when I heard a familiar voice. "Hey babes! Missed me?" "OMG... Nat, you're finally here," I exclaimed with joy. "You don't know how much we missed you girl...." Bel shouted just beside my ears. "Well, well, well, this is David Haeckel. The one we were talking about" "Oh my you're really really handsome, Nice to meet you" Natalia said with amusement "Thanks, nice to meet you too. I had a lot about you from them" he smiled and said "Oh that's great" Natalia said being proud of us, seeing her reaction I and Bella giggled. Then we countered her with thousands of questions about her trip, grandparents, and so on. All five of us enjoyed our day at my place and also played a lot so of games along with watching movies and chit-chatting.

To be honest, I had never expected someone so handsome to be this friendly and funny. Even his stupid jokes made me fall for him. Every single thing about him was making me go crazy. I just wished that we all can stay like this together forever. I knew my friends were supportive and would help me in all my bad times and will always stick with me, and just felt blessed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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