Chapter 1

44 1 3


*~* Found A Baby *~*





A sound of a sniper rifle going off can be heard. A woman with black hair that was tied in a ponytail, her bright red eyes looking up to the buildings where the gunshot was coming from, the woman can see her sniper, with one look, the woman's eyes got brighter, making the sniper bleed out from his nose, mouth, eyes, and ears. The Sniper fell over and died from blood loss, the woman's eyes closed as she let out a sigh of relief, but the crying baby girl in her arms didn't stop, the woman looked down at the baby crying "Shhh, (y/n) you need to be quiet, we'll be at the rendezvous point to meet your mother's friend, then we'll be safe" the woman said as she rocks the baby back and forth. (Y/n) stop crying soon, looking up at the woman, she giggles as try to reach the woman with her tiny hands that were out of the blanket that was rapid around the baby (Y/n). The woman smiled at (Y/n) but the woman soon hissed in pain as she looked down at the gunshot wound, she was bleeding, but she needed to get to the rendezvous point, or (Y/n) would be in danger.

The black hair woman walked away as she hold the now sleeping baby, it was getting harder to walk without feeling some way of pain from the gunshot, the woman soon made her way to the back of the store where the rendezvous point is, the woman could no longer see what was in front of her, she soon fell to her knees then fell sideways as to not hurt the baby from the fell, the woman tries to stay wake but it was hard to not close her eyes for a bit. "Q, where the hell are you?!, you said you'll be, so where are you?" The woman said. The woman lays down face first with her face facing to the side, she looks at the baby who is still asleep, and the woman soon moved her hand on top of the baby. "He'll be here soon, hold on (Y/n)" the woman said as everything was going dark for her.


~ Vanoss/Evan POV ~

I was laying on the couch watching tv, there was nothing to do today, and it was already getting dark out, I can already hear Delirious and Wildcat fighting in the kitchen again, this would be the 5th time today alone. I sighed as I facepalm, I sit up on the couch, shaking my head, I started to hear doors open and people walking down the stairs and into the living room, I looked over to the stairs and see the others that live in this house too, they were all men. They come out of their room from the yelling that Delirious and Wildcat were making, I looked over the couch into the kitchen, and I can see Delirious and Wildcat. "What the fuck is wrong with you two now?!" I yelled at the two, and this stopped their yelling, the two looked at each other and then looked at me "This dumb ass is being a bitch about the food!" Delirious yelled as he folded his arms over his chest "Yea but that's only because he keeps eating the food!" Wildcat yelled back at Delirious as he tries to not kill Delirious, Delirious just give Wildcat the middle finger and that's all Wildcat needed to kill him, but Nogla stepped into the kitchen and got in between them before a fight broke out in the kitchen. "Delirious stop eating all the food, you'll turn into the truth pig here, soon we will start calling you Wildcat," Nogla said as he pointed at Delirious, everyone on the stairs heard Nogla and laughed at the joke, I laughed too as I got up from the couch and said "Alright, Nogla and I will go get more food before it gets darker out" I walked over to the front door, putting on my shoes, Nogla walked over and started putting on his shoes as I put on my red and white jacket.

Nogla was still wearing his everyday wear, he was properly playing video games in his room again. Nogla soon put on a light black jacket, I grabbed my sunglasses as I open the door, holding the door for Nogla, he soon walked through the door and to one of the park cars "We'll be back before 12" I said as I went out the door as Nogla starts the car, I closed the door and walked over to the car, getting in, then started driving to the store.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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