🕶👔🏢getting ready🏢👔🕶(chap.31)

Start from the beginning

Darki(grunt mask): Good morning bud, sleep't well?

"You could tell it was Darki, from her voice and how she greated you"

Y/N: Mhm.. What's happening?

Darki(grunt mask): Nothing bad, they're just chatting that's all.

Y/N: Okay *yawn* Why do you have this mask?

Darki(grunt mask): Oooh this? *points at her mask* Testing if I can see good and make sure no one's know it's me, and btw how did you knew it was me bud?

Y/N: I regonized you, with your voice and how you greated me when I woke up. *you explained*

Darki(grunt mask): Huh is that so? That's pretty smart of ya to know somone with only they're voice and maners. Good job.

"She praised you patting your head, she sounded happy of how you could regonise her so fast by only her voice and maners."

Dei: Hey Darki have you try on the suit yet- Oh morn. Y/N!

Y/N: Morning!

Dei: So did you try the suit yet Darki?

Darki: Nop, not yet I was busy doing... Nothing actualy lol. *she say's taking of the mask of a grunt face looking toward Deimos* But thanks for remind me I started to forgot.

Dei: Well your welcome ig lol.

San: Hey bozos, 2bd want to talk to you, and morning Y/N.

Dei: What? But he just talk to me not even 5mins ago?!

San: Aanndd??

Dei: And I havn't start to talk yo Y/N! *pointing at Y/N*

Darki: Come on Dei, stop acting like a kid heh. *start's to walk to the door*

Dei: HEY! That's not true!*start's to chase Darki*

San: *sigh* This idiot, you sleep't well Y/N ?

Y/N: Mhm.

San: Alright, I will be going back to 2bd if you need anything just call me or Hank. *leaves the room*


Hey wassup? So quick thing that I'm gonna say bc I felt like I have memory lose lol, skittles will be staying with the sheriff most of the time his not talking or talk't about.
But also remember how much I keep say like "yea ya know that bloopers I said I will doooo?? WELL I'M ALMOST DONE" And then I just forget like I don't think I even past 10 chaps. I'M SURE I HAVN'T EVEN MADE 10 CHAPS. YET ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)

I got an big old lazy ass heh.. Not THAT old to lmao

So erm yea. As always,I see YOU in the next chap. Heh ..Buh Bye! (Mark's ref lmao)

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