🕶👔🏢getting ready🏢👔🕶(chap.31)

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Divorce pic lmao😍💅


"It was finaly time to get back " home", Deimos put you in the truck and made sure your sit bell was good while Sanford was putting the groceries in the back"

Dei: Hey Sanny! You done? The others are waiting for us.

San: calm down bozo I'm done.

Dei: I'm calm, I'm calm🙄

San: Alright, returning to the base now.

"You and Deimos nodded and Sanford start the truck going back to the base. They were chatting while you were looking at the window, the red black sky.. You never knew why it was red and why there wasn't any sun or moon so you never knew how they knew when it was night or day.
You started to zone out when Deimos call'd you"

Dei: Hey kiddo, your doing okay there?

Y/N: Mhm! When will we get home?

San: The same time we took to get groceries if we don't get troubles.

Dei: *chuckles* Imagine there's big rockes that just fall from the sky, that would be bad luck!

San: Yea it would be, so don't say it idiot💢

"You just look back at the window, zoning out and falling asleep."

Dei's pov:

Dei: Hey san, look the kid asleep.

San: They must be tired after the shopping, remember when they fall on the floor in the shop?

Dei: Yea but we didn't even start when it happend.

San: *sigh* Your right, but still they were probably tired or sum. But if it happen again we will get them to doc if this make you felt better.

Dei: Heh, yea it does.

"I trew my cig out of the window after taking like 5 buff of it. Sanford noticed and gave me a warm smile. Wich is kinda rare knowing that he can be really srs. I gave him a smile back and we sat in the silence listening to the radio of a music named " living island"It was actualy pretty nice hearing another type of  music most of the time we only hear doc's voice telling us the mission we have or hear the breaking news. It felt like, if nothing bad had happend.. Gosh still can't belive that all of this start because of Hank punshing that boombox guy, rip him ig heh"

<<arriving at the base and time skip>>

None's pov:

"Y/N woke up by hearing the others talking about something. You didn't know what it was but still woke up knowing you won't be able to sleep again. You look't to be greated by an grunt face that look't like a mask"

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