chapter 2

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POV: 3rd person
Sonic managed to get some hours of sleep even with his hurting eyes. When he awakened the next morning, his eyes hurt less and he could open them without instantly wanting to close them again.

The blue hedgehog sat up and looked around his bedroom. "Still black.." Sonic stated. His vision still wasn't complete. The center wasn't showing anything but darkness. "Maybe I hit my head too hard when I hit the ground.." His back was aching a bit too from the fall from the former day.

He decided that if it hadn't improved by tomorrow, then he will get it checked. Injuries were common when fighting on a weekly basis. He can't go to the hospital for every little thing. That's expensive. And mostly it got better with a good night's rest.


After a day of being bothered by not being able to see well and bumping into things that were directly in front of him, he had gone to bed with the thought that tomorrow would be better. But the next day wasn't any better. If anything, Sonic thought he saw even less than the day before.

So visiting the hospital is was. Maybe he just needed eye drops or eye creme.

Sonic was going to meet up with his friends later today for a picnic so it would be nice if this problem was taken care of by then. The blue hedgehog got dressed, putting on his gloves, socks, and shoes. In this condition he wouldn't be able to run to the hospital. That was too risky when he can't see what was in front of him.

So he had to walk, which he disliked. Then he also had fan interactions. Usually he didn't mind that but now that he couldn't see much, he noticed that he had trouble with the interactions.

"Oof-.." Sonic got to the hospital but walked into the slide doors, thinking the doors had opened. Only once bumping into the glass door, did he hear the woosh sound of the door opening. He walked in and looked for the reception.

"Can I help you, sir?" The lady behind the reception asked, noticing the hero looked a bit out of place.

"Hm?" Sonic heard the voice and turned in the right direction. "I don't have an appointment but I was hoping I could get someone to take a look at my eyes."

"That's okay. I'm sure we can get a time for you sir Hedgehog." The lady began clicking away, seeing which doctors were free now or soon. "You can go see doctor Snake. He will have time for you in.. 15 minutes. You need to be in section A7. He will get you from the waiting room." She said and printed out a paper with the information. She handed the paper to him but Sonic didn't see it. "Sir?"

"Hm?" Sonic perked and moved his head to look just past her. He saw the paper she was handing out in the corner of his eye. "Oh- right. Sorry" Sonic took it and walked away so the next person could go.

The blue hedgehog tilted his head to the side so he could read the card. Then he looked around, trying to find out where he needed to go. He couldn't see it. He didn't want to ask for help so he kept looking with his head tilted till he noticed section A. He headed in that direction. From there, every set of doors he passed was a number added.

"A7... A7..." Sonic looked around for confirmation that he was in the right hallway. "A7..!" He saw the number on a board above and went to sit down on one of the chairs. From there on it was simply waiting.

"Sonic T. Hedgehog." A snake dressed in a doctor's coat walked out of a side room. Sonic got up and went over to where he heard the voice come from. He almost crashed into another set of chairs. "Come in." The doctor said and walked back into the side room. Sonic tilted his head to see before following. "Sit down please."

Sonic had to find the seat first, but he got to sit down.

"This is about your eyes, correct?" The doctor asked. That was literally all the file said that he had been sent. Sonic nodded. "Can you tell me what is going on?"

"Uhm. I had a fight with Eggman two days and ever since then my vision.. is partly black." Sonic said, suddenly feeling hesitant to tell. As if it was a weakness.

"Partly black? Where can you not see?" The doctor asked while writing down notes.

"The.. center. I go on with what I can see from the corner of my eyesight." The blue hedgehog explained, averting his gaze from the doctor or rather where he thought he was.

"And how is that going? I noticed your walking was a bit off. That must be because of your loss of vision." The snake said, writing that down as well. "So I assume you see very little?"

"I would say.. I have 30 percent of my vision left. But it's hard that the center is darkness. I can't look at anything directly."

"And it has been like this for two days?" The doctor questioned. Sonic nodded. "Sir. With something like this you should have come sooner."

The coated snake stood and went to examine Sonic's eyes. "Look my way, please." Sonic tried but he couldn't see where he was directly looking at. "Now look to the side." Sonic did so. "Hm.."

Sonic couldn't see his expression nor did he understand the tone of the 'hm' so he didn't know if that was bad or not. "What is it, doc?" He asked.

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