Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: So guys, it seems that the best time that I can write and get ideas flowing is late at night.  You guys better appreciate this because i’m staying up late for you people. haha only joking, I write for the pleasure not to gain people’s gratitude. I am trying to extend the length of my chapters. COMMENT,VOTE, FAN. Hope you all like it.

Teeshi xox


We had just got home from the doctors appointment, the car ride home was silent. 

“ I didn’t mean to be so quiet Bella, I just didn’t expect it to be that. I don’t know what to think.”

“ I understand, it’s a shock for me too.” I leaned over and gave him a quick kiss and then got out of the car.  

“ I’ll be back before lunch, I just need a little time to think.” He phased into his wolf form, licked my face and ran off.  I decided to watch tv to distract myself but it wasn’t working. It started with a sniffle but now I couldn’t stop crying. How could I let this happen? A few hours had past and it was time to start making lunch. 

I was not the cooking type but I would have to learn. I had a wolf to feed. 

Jared, Quill and Embry entered the house laughing and carrying on.

“We came early to help you cook.” Quil said

“Just tell us what to do.” Embry added.

“ Quil, you can fry the fish, Embry cook the rice and Jared make the drinks. I bought fresh oranges today so you can squeeze them and i’ll prepare the salad.” The boys got to work while I washed all the vegetables for the salad. 

“ Congratulations by the way.” Jared said. I froze.  “The engagement Bella.”

“ Thanks Jared .When did he tell you?”
He pointed to my hand. “ I saw the ring on your finger.”

“Liar” Quil exclaimed. “ He read Jacob’s thoughts today when we were patrolling.”

“ Well thank you.”

“ We decided to make this an engagement lunch, we invited Billy and your dad.”

“ Oh, I don’t really feel up to a party guys.”

“ Too bad, they’ll be here any minute.”
I heard the door open and closed my eyes. SAVE ME! 

Jacob stood at the entrance. “ I’m back Bella.”

I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him. “ I missed you. The guys decided to make an engagement lunch and invited you dad and mine too.”

“ We’ll be fine Bella.”

I finished setting all of the food on the table when Charlie and Billy entered.

“Congratulations you two.” Billy hugged us both he had a huge grin on his face.


I took Jake upstairs with me to get ready. He had to have a shower and I had to change.


“ Dad, i’m pregnant. I mean we’re pregnant.” I said gesturing to Jacob. “That didn’t sound right Jake.” I turned to him and caressed my belly looking myself up and down in the mirror. 

“ I don’t look pregnant do I?”

“ You only think you look pregnant because you know your pregnant. You’re only 7 weeks. I can’t even tell and you know there isn’t a perfect right way to tell a dad that his teenage daughter is pregnant.”

“ Well i’ll just send him a picture of the ultrasound and then wait to hear from him.”

“ No, you need to tell him face to face. He’s downstairs with everyone else. Just tell them all in one go.”

“WE need to tell him, this baby is yours too Jake.”
“ I know but are you sure you want to keep it?”

My heart sank. I was carrying my fiancees baby and he seemed to not want it. He didn’t want to complicate his life? 

“ Jake, I am not aborting this baby. This is our child.”

“ I just didn’t expect to be a father so soon..We”

“ I know we only just got engaged, but it doesn’t change how I feel about you just because we’re pregnant. We’ve always wanted kids. Let’s face it, I didn’t want the condom to break but it did so lets make the best of it please?”.

“ I just didn’t want to be tied down so young.”

“Excuse me? Didn’t want to be tied down so young? Then why did you ask me to marry you so young? WHY JAKE?”



Jake started shaking and I knew it was my queue to leave. 


“I’M NOT STAYING HERE RISKING MY BABY’S LIFE” I stormed outside to get some fresh air.

“ YOUR BA..” He was still shouting when I heard it. The tearing of his clothes and the crashing of all the delicate things in the room. This is what Jacob warned me about a long time ago and I didn’t listen to him. 

Charlie got up from his seat at the table. “ Did Jacob just phase? What did you say to Jacob to make him so angry?”

“ I’m Pregnant dad.”

I ran to the porch closing my eyes. I rested my head replaying what just happened over and over again. I was woken by soft fur rubbing against my leg. I looked up and Jake was lying on the ground with a sad look in his eyes. His tail was drooped and his head down.

I wiped away my tears “ I forgive you Jake, apology accepted.”

Forced Into It (Bella & Jacob Love Story) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now