"No, I'm good."

"Okay, so give me some time. I'll do some cleaning and take a shower. Then we can go somewhere."

"Alright." Yujji began to watch movie again but something seemed wrong. 'Did she say she was going to clean?' He turned off the T.V. and went to her. She was standing in the kitchen with a small kitchen towel in her hand and an expression of confusion and worry on her face. "What's the matter?" he asked.

"Who cleaned the kitchen?"

"You did. You cleaned the whole house some minutes ago."

"No, I didn-"

"Stop it, Y/N. Stop this bullshit. Stop pretending like you don't remember the shit you just did. What's your motive behind this? You want attention? You want all of us to be around you all the time? I'm tired of all this drama."



Y/N ran to her bedroom and slammed the door shut. Yujji knocked and said, "Don't do anything stupid." After he got no response, he called Satoru and told him that she had locked herself in the room. Satoru scolded him as he knew that he must have misbehaved. He told him to apologize and leave her alone for some time. 'Apologize? No way.' He knocked on the door again and said, "Hey, I was just kidding. Don't be angry please."

"I'm not angry," she responded. "I'm not feeling okay. Everything is slipping through my hands. It has got so much worse that you think I'm acting. I'm sorry, Yujji but I'm not pretending to forget. Please forgive me."

Yujji felt bad but refused to submit to that feeling. "A-Alright, just don't lock yourself like that. Come out."

Y/N opened the door and looked at him. "I'm sorry for bothering you. But you can go if you don't want to stay here. I'll be fine on my own."

"Yeah. No. I mean, I'll stay." He turned around and cursed himself, 'Shit! Why did I say that?'

"Do you want to go out to eat?"

"Uh... Yeah."

"Okay. Wait for me. I'll be back in a flash."

Yujji nodded and sat on the couch.

They went to a restaurant not far away from Y/N's place. As they were sitting and waiting for their order, Y/N's gaze was fixed on Yujji's face. He began to feel uncomfortable and asked about why she was staring at him.

"Several days ago, I saw someone who looks like you," she answered. Sukuna was caught off guard by her words. 'She remembers me even though I stayed away for more than a week.'

"Where?" Yujji asked.

"In the woods."

'Stop, don't tell him.' Sukuna began to feel anxious.

"Were there black markings on his face?"

"Yes, how do you know?"

"H-He is a friend o-of... Sensei."


"Yes." Yujji wondered how she was able to see Sukuna when he was not around. 'Either she is really pretending or she is imagining things.'

After lunch, they went back to her apartment and Yujji reminded her to take her medicines. He stayed for an hour more and left. On his way back, he kept thinking about what Y/N said. "Tell me Sukuna, were you really there in the woods?" he asked the beast inside him.


"Then why did she say that?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

Sukuna's Psychopath (Sukuna X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now