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Several days passed, Sukuna didn't show up. Y/N thought of going back to the temple but her work exhausted her. Also, there were no calls from Satoru. Y/N wasn't much of an initiator, she waited for people to contact her. Sukuna now lived inside her head. "Will I see you again?" she asked to no one. She put her headphones on and played her favourite Playlist which she had named as 'Now'. Lying on her bed, she soon fell asleep.

"Leave me, please let me go," the 11-years old girl screamed with tears flowing from her eyes. The man covered her mouth.

"You know you're mine, stop struggling already," The scary man whispered in her ear. The girl cried while trying to free herself from his grip. He was so strong that all her efforts went wasted. The man tied her hand behind her back.

"I've been waiting for this day for so long," he said smirking. "It's a golden chance."

Girl's eyes were swollen, she tried to scream but the piece of cloth in her mouth and a tape on her lips sealed her voice. The pervert began to unbutton her shirt and whispered his thoughts to the girl. The moment he opened the last button, he heard some people talking downstairs and froze. He untied the girl's hands and pulled her hair. He whispered in her ear, "If anyone ever find out about this, you will face the worst."

The girl was shivering. He pulled the tape off her lips and she spat out the cloth. The pervert kissed her lips and told her that he would come back another day.

Y/N woke up with tears. The dream reminded her of the incident she had been trying to forget. Her dreams were constant and reminded of such incidents from the past.

Another Saturday arrived. Y/N spent the day with kids and Satoru. Sukuna didn't show up, she wanted to see him. She stared at Yujji sometimes, thinking Sukuna might show up. It was getting dark and everyone had to return.

"Next Saturday, we'll take you to our school," Nobara said to Y/N and she agreed.

"Everyone, back to school, I'll drop Y/N home," Satoru announced.

"No, it's fine. I'll go. Don't worry and go with the kids."

"You sure about that?"

Y/N nodded. They said goodbyes and left. She took a bus which dropped her off a street away from home. The street was a bit dark with very less lights. She began to walk. Out of darkness, two men appeared, they smelled like alcohol. They said something in Japanese and before she could respond, one of them put a handkerchief on her mouth. She fainted because of the smell of chemical in the cloth.

Some sprinkles of water woke her up. She was terrified. The men talked in Japanese. Across the room a TV was kept on a table and Y/N faced it. One of them played a video.

'A porn!' Y/N felt a shiver by the thought of what they were trying to do. Both the perverts looked at her and laughed. She tried to move but she was tied to a wooden chair.

"Let me go, please," Y/N begged.

"No," the taller one shook his head.

"I won't tell anyone anything, please let me go," she pleaded.

They laughed. "You're never going back, so there's no chance you'll ever tell anyone anything," the shorter one said.

Sukuna's face crossed Y/N's mind. 'Only if you were here,' she thought. Tears started forming in her eyes. She was scared to death.

"Listen-" she couldn't finish, one of them put a tape on her lips.

"Quit this chit chat shit, lady, we got a lot to do," the taller one barked.

'Can anyone, anything, any power kill me right now?' she thought to herself. She had faced this situation before but was never raped, and now she didn't even want to imagine anything like that.

The door broke open. A manly figure stood upright. The two men looked frightened. Y/N wanted to know who it was. 'Another pervert?' she thought.
The man moved forward.

'Yujji?' she thought but wasn't sure.

"Y/N?" The man asked.

It was him. It was Yujji. But why was he here?
He looked at the two men who were still in shock. He punched taller one hard in face without a word. His nose bled and two teeth came out of his mouth. Within seconds, black markings appeared on Yujji's face. The two perverts ran through the broken doorway.

'Why didn't he stop them?' Y/N thought.

The man with black markings smacked the TV, threw it like a toy and pulled the table in front of Y/N. He sat on the table and looked at the tied girl without blinking. "So," he began to speak. "Look who we have here. A girl who is always in trouble. A girl whose childhood was a mess. A girl who feel HATRED for the world."

Y/N looked down and closed her eyes.

"Look up Y/N," Sukuna said calmly. She didn't obey.

"Y/N," he called her. "Look me in the eyes."

She looked him in the eyes. His red eyes were beautiful. Some minutes passed they just stared at each other. He pulled the tape off her lips.

"What are you feeling?" Sukuna asked.

"Kill me," she whispered.

"Huh?" he was surprised. 'Is she serious?' he thought.
The room went silent for some moments.

"Starting from childhood, I've been trying my best to protect myself from this pathetic, cruel world. All my efforts are being wasted. Some men are just crazy behind a female body and because of them I can't even trust the good ones. Not just men, I've seen women being sheer perverts too. When I was young, I was told that men are attracted to the girls who wear revealing clothes. Okay, I wear clothes that cover me up from head to toes. I was told that men are attracted to pretty girls. Okay, I never wear any make up. I was told that men are attracted to every girl. What do I do now? I can't become a boy. Speaking of which, I've heard boys getting raped  too. What's the explanation for this?"

Sukuna's expression changed. It seemed like Y/N touched a nerve.
" Why do you want to die?" he asked.

"Because I'm tired of protecting myself. I don't pay much attention to anyone, yet they come after me."

"You can't die."


"You have to fight."

Y/N was silent.

"You should go home now," Sukuna said and left the room. Y/N didn't follow him. "Looks like you want me to carry you," he said from outside. He got no answer so he went back in.

The girl looked at him and reminded, "I'm tied."

"Oh," he felt stupid. He untied her. Because the ropes were tightly wrapped around her legs, they were numb. She struggled to stand up. Sukuna looked at her and waited for her to ask for help but she didn't say a word.

"Too stubborn," Sukuna said. "Won't even want to ask for help." He bent down, put her left arm around his neck and picked her up. She gasped.

"I won't do anything, relax," he whispered.

She kind of hugged him because she was blushing and didn't want him to see. She looked small in his strong muscular arms. He left the room, and soon they were on the street.

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