Chapter 32- Lucid

Start from the beginning

You: "Go on ahead, I'll get our little Ina."

Akali: "She's probably still asleep. I heard her playing video games till late."

You: "Of course she was, I wonder who she gets that from."

Akali: "Hey! You're the famous streamer here! AmericanWolverine!"

You: "Touché, Touché. I do have my own gamer supps flavor to prove it."

You walk over to Ina's door and knock on it.

You: "Ina? It's time to get up. You got school, remember?"

There was no response so you decided to go in. Luckily she forgot to lock it this time. You walked into a dark room where you saw her asleep in her gaming chair. Headphone still on and the game she was playing showing a "YOU DIED" on the screen.

You: "This girl I swear..."

You turned off her computer and turned on the lights and opened the blinds to her room.


You: "Good morning sweetheart."

Ina: "Daaaaaaaaaad!"

You: "Come on up and at 'em. You got school and if you keep slacking I'll take away the computer I built you."

Ina: "Okayyyyyyyyyyy."

She sluggishly moved from her chair and down the hallway to join the rest.

You then went to the last set of rooms. You knocked and went into Ahri's room. You saw she was putting on make and humming to herself.

You: "Morning love, getting some practice in?"

Ahri: "Just trying to remember the melody. It's been so long since we've done this, you know."

You: "I know and you all still look so beautiful."

Ahri: "Thank you baby."

She gave you a kiss and you both walked out of her room.

You: "Go on ahead, I'll need to get Mai."

Ahri: "She came into my room earlier, she needed help picking out an outfit."

You: "Oh why?"

Ahri: "I don't know, maybe she's trying to impress a boy."

You: "Oh boy..."

Ahri: "Oh don't be like that. It was bound to happen eventually."

You: "Still doesn't help my heart."

Ahri: "Oh my poor little baby."

You: "I'll see you down there."

Ahri: "You know I love you."

You: "I know you do."

Ahri walked off and you went to Mai's room. You then knocked on the door. It opened to Mai who was dressed sort of artsy in a very nice way. It had a very comfy vibe to it.

You: "Morning my little fox, what's the occasion for this."

Mai: "Oh this! I-i-it's- Uhm-! Nothing special! Just wanted this boy to notice me is all..."

She was clearly flustered and embarrassed by the topic.

You: "*Sigh* I hate when you're right Ahri."

You: "Oh okay... Who's this boy?"

You then leaned on her door frame and crossed your arms.

Mai: "His name is Andrew, he's this wolf vastaya and-"

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