Chapter 4: Kiss peace goodbye!

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Marcy Wu 💚

Friday evening

Marcy is still in her company office, she overworked herself late at night (3:30 am) and fell asleep, her head resting over the table with a bunch of documents there.






(10:16 am)

Marcys phone vibrating, she reach for her phone and did a time checked. Today is suppose to be no working day for her, Andrias have her weekend day offs, normally she would spend it with Anne but there is an interview that needs to be done so she have to come back here.
Marcy grabbed her phone and backpack and decided to return home for now at the modern house that she is currently sharing with Yunan and olivia. She went to the parking lot and got on her white Mercedes benz A200 car, she actually save up for this but with a little bit of Andrias support.

(10:50 AM)

Marcy arrived in her humble abode, no one is at home maybe Yunan and Olivia is out on a date and as soon as she gets to the living room she plop down the couch face first and took a quick nap.




An hour and a minute passed by her cellphone alarm start buzzing again, as per usual she timecheck 12:59 pm "I still have a lot of time, maybe I should call Anne." Marcy murmured and she smile in her idea, she scroll through her contacts it's just a bunch of her co workers name and stop when she saw the caller ID my annabanana ♡♡,  she tapped the call button no answer she repeated this for 3 times and still no answer. Disappointed Welp I guess she still asleep  she thought, she got up to head over to the kitchen and microwave the leftover Thai food that was in the fridge.

She still have a lot of time to waste, so she pass the time by setting up her Razer blade 15 gaming laptop and continue her last save on elden ring. (18th birthday gift saved up by most of the company employees) another minute passed by (1:30pm) she called Anne once checking if she would answer but still no answer. She went to take a quick shower and ready herself to go back to newtopia.

She checked in the company at 2:00 pm  and she goes inside her office and prepared herself for the meeting tapping her pen on the document.





A notification alerted her and a small smile crept in her face as soon as she see that she received a text from Anne (2:45 pm)

Annabanana: sorry Marmar I overslept I am on the lobby now, meet me at the cafeteria.
Marbles: okie dokie (☞゚∀゚)☞

Just after she replied to Anne, she rushed outside her office into the cafeteria and found no Anne there... She ask two of her co-workers Jess and Ally if they saw Anne anywhere "oh! I just saw her a moment ago with blood and she is holding a girl." Jess said,

"I believe they're heading to the infirmary because she woun-." Ally added pointing at the direction where the scene was. Marcy didn't let ally finish her sentence and run where the infirmary way, she is so worried on what happened to her bestfriend.

Olivia, grime and Yunan were together when they saw Marcy, they followed her.


Marcy opens the door and is taken aback by the scene that unfolds in front of her.. Anne and some other girl with each other, the girls hand are on Anne's waist while Anne attempting to back away, and both women are now looking at Marcy and they quickly distance themselves with each other.

Sasha POV

I whispered to her "it's simple really, I want you frog girl..." She keeps on creating a distance so I slide my right hand that was on her elbow to her waist trapping her and then I continue talking "to be my friend, let's hang out after my interviews over." HA! HOWS THAT IN MAKING FRIENDS GRIME! Sasha pondered,

"No, What the-" Anne rebutted

"F*ck? Yeah sure! but Not now" i said smirking at her and continued "I will not take no for an answer either pay or date missy." After I said that i used my free hand to boop her nose.

She made a somewhat similar to a 'bitch whut?' face but I definitely saw a shade of red on her.

She was about to answer but then a slam on the door caused us to look at the source of noise and immediately the two move away with each other.

Back to the present Marcys POV

I quickly pulled Anne to distance her more from the girl and put both of my hand to her face "are you okay?" I ask very worried, I was hyperventilating as I check Anne's face and body searching to see if there is any wound on her.

Panicking, Anne grab a hold of my shoulder to keep me still and she place a hand on my face "Mar-mar relax, I'm alright." After she said that she plant a kiss on my forehead and held my hands. My breathing slowly gone back to normal when a girl stood beside us.
"Hey, I'm actually the one who had been wounded by frog girl." Sasha interrupted waving her hand between the two.

I turned to look at her wondering who is this person and as I saw her face the fanatic persona bursted "OMG!! Are you Sashy?!!" I went to hold Sasha's hand instantly.

"Sashy?" Sasha asked
GOSH! Why did I say that?!

A sudden flush made me drop her hand and change the subject "oh um... Lookie here it's already 3:01 pm, lets get talking with the contract." I said pointing at the time then made a way to lead her to the infirmary door. At the door Olivia, Yunan and hee manager is waiting and watching us.

sasha pov

I asked both surprise and annoyed but mostly suprise by what the girl called me, I saw her face reddened before she change the subject cute. She made a way for me to exit the infirmary but I turned to the frog girl and glared at her you think you can easily get away after the scene you've cause.

She's looking at me, NOOOO please don't say something and just leave me alone Anne thought to herself.

"I'm not agreeing to anything without her coming with us." I said pointing at the frog girl, finally a pink haired girl walks inside the infirmary to address the situation.

"very well then, we shall bring her as well" yunan said.
"WHAT?!" Anne yelled and looked at me, "you think you can get away? I want my answer later missy." I said winking at her before putting on my glasses then proceeded to go to Grimes direction. Grime gave me a skeptical/suspicious look and I just ignore him. 

This is just one day I just need to prove grime wrong,  after this I could ignore this people or maybe they can be my obedient little girls... Ooohh I like the second idea I thought.


"C'mon scoob, let's go interview a famous person!" Marcy said pumped up, Marcy link arms with Anne who is still out of herself due to shock and pulled her to followed the three after.

   What has my life come to? - anne

Olivia just returned to her department that day.

End of chapter 4

Feel free to give constructive criticism or ask some questions or give ideas 👍

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