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CHAPTER 1.1 : Sprig conflicts

Anne was awakened by the rooster outside, but it was primarily due to her alarm, a sudden open in the basement door BLAGH! She was even more startled, She turned to the door and saw Sprig.

"Anne!!! You woke up very late, dad- I mean Mr and Ms boonchuy already had their breakfast and left to go get groceries." Sprig said with a hint of sadness.

"Dude are you about to say da-" Anne was gonna tease but was cutoff by sprig pushing her out the basement and changing the subject "C'mon Anne! we have a lot of things to do in the farm but we will start with the barn."

The two made their way in the kitchen, Anne went to grab a sit at the table while sprig serve her the remaining food.

Anne didn't continued her tease instead she ask Sprig about their duties.

"Well, we have to clean bessie and microangelo as well as their stables obviously and water all the crops." Sprig said,

"DIBS ON CLEANING MICROANGELO!" Polly immediately shouted.

"Dang it Polly, I thought I told you to do your homework, Anne and sprig will handle the barn while you finish this" Hop Pop commanded while slamming a pile of her unfinished homework on the table.

Anne is now eating her breakfast while enjoying to listen to their bickering, sprig at the side of the table feeling gloomy and embarrassed.

"But I wanna hangout with Anne." Polly complained, "Not until you finish this besides Anne will be staying here until Friday so you got a lot of time." Hop pop said. Polly groans but in the end she just did her homework on the living room table.

Timeskipped to sprig and Anne going to the barn

Anne walked in the barn then sprig stop while just staring at the entrance of the barn, Anne noticed this.
Why is he so out of it today? Is it because of earlier or a different problem?? Anne asked herself

"So? Where do we start sprig...sprig?"  Anne questioned and tapped sprigs shoulder to get his attention.

A couple of second later Sprig broke out of his trance and started speaking "We could uhm...clean bessie first and then microangelo after that we clean the barn."

Anne looked at him very worried "dude is something bothering you? You can tell me... If this is about ea-" Anne was interrupted

"It's not about that Anne!!" Sprig exclaimed and then continued "Well atleast huge part of it isn't... It's just Maddie and I broke up, well I broke up with her..." Sprig cried, Anne pulled him to her shoulder and let him continue while patting his back.

"I think she was just using me Anne!, our relationship was just a joke to her... I saw her at the forest with the some jerk I overheard their conversation and she called me a weird and the kids riduculed me and my mom and that is when I left cause I could not take it." Sprig said sobbing, Anne wipe his tears.

"But I still wanna talk to her but I'm too afraid, I want her to explain why she said that." Sprig continued.

"Tomorrow if it makes you feel better we can both go and talk to her." Anne said genuinely and hugged him.
"You can talk about what happened earlier when you're ready and after we finish fixing your problem with Maddie alright?" Anne said assuringly, sprig just nodded with a inaudible okay while he is still hugging Anne.

After a few minutes, Sprig felt better for letting out his other problem and the two started doing their chores in the barn and farm after hours of hours of work they are finally done.

The two went back in the house and saw Polly sitting and eating on the couch while watching cartoons. Ha! She actually did her homework? I'm surprised.

Polly notice the two staring at her "What you lookin at?... You two should take a shower ya stink of horse feces." Polly teased covering her nose, Sprig and Anne step closer to Polly and when she notice what they were gonna do "OH NO! DON'T YOU DARE!"  Polly shouted onguard backing away while the two wear a smug face stepping closer and closer to Polly.

Polly immediately dashed in her room while the two chased her, she locked the door instantly. The two just laugh outside her door, "NOT FUNNY! But seriously though take my advice. GO AND SHOWER" Polly yelled.

The Next Day

"Rise and shine kids!! Eat your breakfast and pack your things up that's for two days, we're going camping and we'll leave at dawn and imma teach y'all some Plantars fishing techniques" hop pop boasted, the kids just went to eat and pack their things up.

Sprig and Anne goes to the town first to sort out the emotional baggage with Maddie; it turns out it was all a misunderstanding, though Maddie claims he is a weird kid but in a good way, and the other kids sprig is talking about are just her siblings, though she admits her siblings ridiculed him and his mother because they were envious of sprig hanging out with Maddie but it isn't justified; Maddie defended him, but that was when sprig abruptly left the scene.

Sprig is relieved that it was only a misunderstanding, but the awkwardness that both created caused them to become just friends.

Anne and Sprig returned home to prepare for their camping trip.


The family did a lot of activities and hop pop taught us a lot about fishing techniques and we explored the woods but with guide, now it's evening and Sprig is ready to talk to all of us near the campfire...

"You see... Polly and I does not have a mom anymore let alone a dad but eversince I met you guys it feels like... family like you're also Polly and I parents." Sprig said embarrassed and looking down and Polly patting her brothers back.

Hop pop was about to say something but was interrupted by Mrs Boonchuy

"Aww sweetie... We already are your family, of course you can call us your parents as well" Mrs Boonchuy said,

"Yeah! Anne even called you her little brother and Polly her little sister!" Mr boonchuy assured

"DAD!!! Could have keep that one to yourself." Anne mumble embarrassed, everyone laughed at Anne though Sprig and Polly appreciated it.

They all huddled up and squeeze sprig and polly into a group hug, including Hop Pop, and then they tell each other a scary story before going to bed because they'll be returning to the Plantars' house early in the morning to prepare for departure from the wartwood to the city.



SOOooo I didn't proofread this let me know if there is a mistake, I also take criticism, suggestions or ideas.

Yesterdays episode is both depressing for The owl house and the Amphibia.

The kids all need therapy.

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