Chapter Twö > Save Me

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^^how her crew danced^^ (the darkly clothed ones)

I woke up, shit where am I? What am I doing? When am I? O that's write I'm taking a test during 8th hour and great, because I fell asleep I know have 6 minutes to finish my test... A few minutes later the bell rang, I hade finished some more but still had about five or more empty bubbles so I filled in random answers instead of leaving them blank.

"Times up Miss.Frent." my teacher Miss. Bronko says. I turned in my paper and left her class. That is my last class of the day, I decided I'd stay after cause I didn't feel like taking the buss I'll just have my aunt pick me up in a hour or so. I sat down at a table in the hall way and started to think about everything that has happened in the last two years.

I live with my aunt, my mom is an alcoholic and my dad is a druggy. I grew up in the ghetto of New York. I was a street dancer, and it's not what you think! Get your head out of the gutter! I had a crew and we danced in battles, flash mobs, and in protest. They where my family. All of us had no place to go, all grew up in broken homes. I was the baby of the group, I was the youngest. My aunt took me in last year and said I could live with her in her pent house, but there where rules. No more street dancing cause it's kinda illegal, and I had to go to class. I was in the middle of 8th grade when I had to change schools to moved into her home. Now I'm a freshmen but I'm 16. I have a weird timed birthday and on top of that I failed the 7th grade. I think I went to school like 12 day in that hole year. I look young for my age, but what ever. I miss dancing, I miss my crew. I didn't want to leave but I had to. I couldn't stay with my parents.

My aunt is pretty much a billionaire, the reason she didn't help me sooner is because she tried to distance herself from my mom as much as she could and it worked for years till she found out about my situation and wanted to help. My aunt Sophia also grew up in a broken home but instead of giving up like my mom she became a big deal. She is a top of the line fashion designer. She wants me to get into fashion but I'm not interested in that. I like fashion but it's way different from what she likes. I don't tell people who my aunt is cause everyone knows her. Even guys at my school know who she is. I don't like it at this school. All these kids are spoiled. I don't talk to a lot of people I'm scared I'll have to brake away again. Plus I'll probably just get stabbed in the back. In this school district there are three middle schools and all those kids go to the one big high school, lots of new people I won't be talking to. I did make friends last year, but I realized something at this school. I was shocked. Its funny, where I used to live people had more respect for people, here it seemed as if people where always talking shit about there so called "friends". Girls be walking around this school saying that there best friend is there "sister". It makes me wanna puke! They have no idea what family is. They treat people like crap. If they went to where I used to live and treated people there the way they treat people here you'll get shot. They have no idea.

Just then someone pulled a chair up to the table I'm sitting at.

"Hi." he said quickly.


"Are you new here?" He asked

"No." I said getting out my homework for physics.

"I haven't scene you around."

"Well what grade are you in?" I asked

"11th are you in 11th too?"

"Nah I'm a freshmen."

"What?" He said shocked

"Yup, well I'm 16."

"You got held back twice?" He looked confused.

"No I got held back once but my birthday is weird it's in the beginning of summer."

"Ah." he said in understand meant.
"So," he said "you look chill wanna go to a party with me this Friday after school?"

"I just meat you." I said

"So? Come on it'll be fun!"

"You don't even know my name."

"Well I'm Joe, and you are?"


"Ah I like your name, so... Party?" He nudged my arm.

"Okay okay I'll go."

"Cool here's my number, text me your address I'll pick you up at 6:30 Friday."

"Okay, so what kind of party is this?" I asked not knowing what to wear.

"Just to hang out with loud music, some drinks, strobe lights and lots of dancing, can you dance?"

"Uah I dont know..." I lied.

"I bet if you tried you could dance, you look like a dancer."

"I dont know im pretty bad at dancing." I said laughing at my own lie.

"Well your kinda short, you can step on my feet." he winked. "O I got to go to practice." he said standing up.

"What sport?" I asked

"Track, and your going to one of my track meets." he smiled with a hopeful smile.

"If it's a home meet then yes I will go."

"Cool we have a home meet next week, I'll see you Friday. Bye." he said running off.

"Bye, have fun at track." I played he turned around as he was running backwards he smiled and nodded, then he ran into a pole with his back. Smooth, I smiled to my self. Its Monday, so I have some time to figure out what I'm wearing. I'm not sure if I should dance at the party, and I have to stay sober, yea I wasn't the best kid. I'm better now I haven't missed a day of class. Then again we are in the first two weeks of school. I'll try, I dont know why we do it, I don't know why we get drunk at party's and do drugs and skip class. People who don't do those things say "o yea your SOOO cool cause you skip class and smoke weed." but the reality is we aren't doing it to be cool, it's the feeling you have after. Its the feeling that nothing matters, the feeling that you have no responsibilities, like no one is counting on you, and just to have fun.

My crew had some strict rules though. If we had a battle coming up absolutely no drinking, no fighting, and no drugs/smoking. Funny thing is I only listened to them, I didn't listen to my parents or teachers. That's all different here. I want to be different, but this party will it effect me? Will I refuse the drink or take it? Will I show people I can dance and maybe not be able to stop? You see, when you dance it's hard to stop, it's something that flows threw you. If your someone who doesn't just hear words in a song, you should try dancing. It helps release the feelings that you have hidden to look strong. I had to be "strong" for years, I think dancing with my crew The Yorker's saved me.

The Dreamer With the Fake SmileTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang