Chapter8 "Be Careful What You Wish For"

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A few weeks pass and Andrea still hasn't made communication or interaction to Josie what so ever, not even a 'Hey' or 'How are you doing?'.

Josie never knew why Andrea wasn't talking to her but she failed to realize that she should of told Andrea about that night instead of Andrea finding out by a whole other person

"Andrea-" Josie stated as Andrea passed by

Andrea didn't answer back of course because she was still angry and upset at Josie

She wasn't mad about Josie cheating because she was rather upset, but she was even more angry that Josie didn't even tell her.

"Hey Andrea" Lizzie stated while walking up beside her "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I guess, I rather not talk about it thou-"

"Remember what we talked about? You have to open up, its the only way either of us could help each other"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I just don' about my feeling, I rather just process it myself"

"Yeah, and where has that got you? being alone?"

"Watch it Saltzman"

"Sorry, sorry, I know, ok? got it, so...what are you up to?"

"I heard that this place is a beacon for unessesary i'm finding another way to protect this bloody school"


"Hey, it definately singles out my other option of going and slaughtering the lot of them"

"That would of been the better option-"

"Not according to Hope its not, she told me it wasn't safe and she has it handled"

"Well we could go by ourselves, she wouldn't know about until after anyways"

"Since when do you go all in and care about the consequences later?"

"Now, and besides it could get myself-"



"I heard about the rumor and before you say anything its actually pretty normal, everyone has their moments"

"Well not like a ticking time bomb"

"Look, Lizzie..your not bipolar, people assume that of you from how often you have a mental breakdown and that is because you never had anyone to associate your issues with"

"How are you so-"

"Smart? Well that would be all the reading I have done in the years I have been on this earth"

"And it seems you have a pretty big ego too"

Andrea smirks at Lizzie's remark

"Lets go before anyone realizes our intentions"

Lizzie then follows Andrea out of the school's boarder and leave to seek the firt poor victim

-A few hours later-

"Andrea Look Out!!"

Andrea ducks out of the way, vamps around the monster and snaps its neck

"Nice save"

"I'm not the one who pulled an enitre mission impossible"

Andrea and Lizzie laughs softly

"Alright, a few thousand more then its happy hour"

-Back at the boarding school-

"Mg, Where's Andrea?"

"I thought she went to the library for some reasearch or something"

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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