Chapter Twenty-Seven: Of Knights and Weirdos

Start from the beginning

All my fans plus some of the other boys' nodded emphatically with wide, honest eyes.

"You're all so amazing! I'm so happy to have friends like you!"

I was immediately attacked in a cuddle," My daughter is so joyous! Come, hug me, fair maiden and feel how my heart beats for you!"

"Get the Hell of me, moron," I muttered into his chest plate.

Club had been over for a good while and Haruhi still wasn't back. I was starting to get worried. The rest of the hosts were waiting for her return as well and had changed back into their uniforms expect for me and Tamaki. Tamaki because he's a freakin' weirdo, and me because no one would help me off the damn couch!

"Where is she?" I mumbled into Bun-chan (Hunni let me snuggle him because I was worried).

Tamaki waltzed over to me and took my hand," Worry not, maiden fair. Your sister will arrive soon. I would never let harm befall her or you. I would protect you both with my life."

Before I could tell him how little that actually meant to me, the doors slammed open and two girls in red and white uniforms stood there," Isn't that arrogant of you. Saying you'll protect them? What if she doesn't want or require your protection. Men and their egos," the younger girl snorted," I think you require something to protect to keep yourself convinced you're a man." (I know that's not what she says in the anime, but I really don't care. Hehe)

"What a clever girl you are, Hinako," the older girl with long hair praised.

Tamaki, who had been taken aback, regained composure and stepped toward them, "I'm sorry. What would you like to hear?"

"How about, I would never leave my lover alone!" An unknown, low-pitched voice rang out," I will never leave your side, even if the world were to fall. And if we die, we die together."

Another stranger had come and she/he/it was holding Haruhi captive, twirling her with every word," Where have you been, Benio?"

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't leave this lovely maiden alone. She was dressed as a boy, but her eyes reveal what she is. Look at her lovely, maidenly eyes." They then proceeded to caress my older sister's face and legs and arms.

Ok. That's it.

"Hey, skank-sicles!" I shouted as I struggled to stand," Get your hands off my sister. She didn't give you permission to touch her and neither did I?"

The three students turned to me and proceeded to...stare...awkwardly. It was silent except for Tamaki's ridiculous angry huffing and, the sound effects from the twin's video game, and Mori's sword swinging through the air. Another few slow seconds passed and they still hadn't let go of my deadpan sister.

I narrowed my eyes dangerously, uncrossed my arms and set them on my hips," Is Miku gonna' have to slap a whore?" (Bravo to any who know what that's from and why it is so funny)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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